



    毕业论文关键词  商业银行;精准营销;系统分析;系统设计

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    The Analysis and Design of Precision Marketing System in CHINA MERCHANTS BANK,Jiangsu Branch 


    As the competition in financial market is getting harder today, banks in China are making transformation that customers are the most important. Thus, the traditional way of management is no longer suitable for the needs of new business. In order to maintain the sustainable development of the customer services, it is necessary to add management information system into the marketing process, setting up precision marketing system.

    In this paper the author first introduces the method to analyze and design marketing system, then presents different stages of system developing.

    The author uses Structured System Development Methodology, firstly introduces elements of marketing and analyzes marketing process, then build the logical model of the system based on that. And then design the function model for system, including system database, software module,

    and system security. 

    Precision Marketing System makes the daily management of marketing being easier, increases the efficiency of the customers marketing, cuts down the cost, and improves marketing performance, enhance the core competencies of commercial banks.

    Keywords  commercial bank;precision marketing;system analysis;system design

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  论文研究的背景和意义 1

    1.1.1 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

    1.3  论文研究思路及研究方法 6

    2  精准营销系统分析与设计的相关理论与方法 10

    2.1  系统规划方法 10

    2.2  系统分析方法 13

    2.3  系统设计方法 15

    3  某商业银行精准营销系统的系统分析 21

    3.1  系统详细调查 21

    3.2  ZS银行江苏省分行现有营销业务流程及其优化 29

    4  某商业银行精准营销系统的设计与实现 38

    4.1  开发精准营销系统的目标 38

    4.2  精准营销系统的总体设计 39

    4.3  精准营销系统的功能模块设计

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