
    摘要通过国内城市发展快速公交的现状,以及存在的问题,指明快速公交系统及其可持续发展模式。将快速公交和现有的地铁、轻轨、常规公交等公共交通方式结合起来比较分析,系统地概述出BRT系统的组成部分、功能定位和技术特征。针对不同条件的城市的合理需求,从宏观和微观两个层面分析和归纳BRT规划应用的可行性条件和因素。然后,因为我国快速公交(BRT)系统在不同城市的模式各有特点,选取典型城市作为案例分析,分析我国城市在应用快速公交的现状和存在的问题。考虑在交通主干道率先开辟BRT线路,各类线路客流换乘组织需要加强, 考虑进行公交信号优先的尝试等主要途径。希望本文的研究能为国内正在和将要规划实施快速公交(BRT)的城市提供一些参考。61466

    毕业论文关键词  快速公交(BRT)  公共交通  适用性


    Title      Research on BRT systems in cities of China   

    Abstract The development status of domestic city bus rapid transit, and the existing problems, pattern indicates the bus rapid transit system and its sustainable development.The bus rapid transit and light rail, the existing subway, bus and other public transport modes combining comparative analysis, systematically summarize part, BRT system functions and technical features.The reasonable demand for different conditions of the city, from the analysis of two macroscopic and summarize the feasibility of application of BRT planning conditions and factors.Then, because the bus rapid transit (BRT) system in our country has different characteristics in different city mode , select the typical city as case analysis, analysis of China's city in the application status and existing problems of the rapid transit. Consider the traffic on the main road pioneering BRT line, all kinds of passenger transfer organization needs to strengthen, considering the main way of transit signal priority attempt. I hope this study can be for domestic is or will be the implementation of Bus Rapid Transit Planning (BRT) to provide some reference to the city.

    Keywords  Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) , public transit , serviceability

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  快速公交概述 2

    1.3  发展快速公交BRT系统的现实意义 2

    1.4  国内外研究 3

    1.5  研究方法 8

    2  BRT理念的主旨和相关技术参数分析 9

    2.1  BRT系统构成 9

    2.2  技术特征参数分析 14

    2.3  可行性分析 18

    3  BRT在我国城市应用的问题分析 22

    3.1  北京 22

    3.2  广州 23

    3.3  济南 26

    3.4  我国发展BRT系统的主要问题 28

    4  BRT在我国城市发展模式研究 30

    4.1  我国城市推行大运量快速公交导向发展模式的优势 30

    4.2  我国大运量快速公交导向发展模式 30

    4.3  BRT在我国大城市发展思路 33

    结  论 35

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