





    毕业论文关键词  历史城区  交通承载力  交通设施承载力  交通设施承载力  交通优化策略


    Title    The calculation model of historical urban traffic carrying capacity and optimization strategy        


    With the rapid development of citification and city motorization, more and more historic urban areas are suffering from the shortage of traffic carrying capacity and the phenomena of the traffic congestion. As one of the main surface features of historic urban area’s traffic supplying capacity, traffic carrying capacity is an important researching topic. Based on the background of the protection of historic urban areas, this paper will work on the analysis of the traffic carrying capacity system of historic urban areas. Based on the ready-made researching results about traffic carrying capacity, this paper will further study the analysis models and optimizing strategies of historic urban areas’ traffic carrying capacity.

    First of all, based on the features of historic urban areas, this paper will analyze the definition and connotation of historic urban area. At the same time, this paper will probe into the traffic carrying capacity system and the mutual relation of different parts of the system of historic urban area, so that we can gain the main point and key of this research. 

    Secondly, from the following aspects, including historic urban area’s spatial development pattern, urban entire distribution, urban scale, urban land utilization and the features of urban location, this article will analyze the factors that have influences on traffic carrying capacity of historic urban areas.

    Thirdly, this paper will analyze the urban transportation carrying capacity and review the capacity of urban road network. Therefore, this article will put forward the LP analysis model based on the limitation of historic cities’ tourism environmental capacity and road network capacity. 

    Finally, from the historical culture protection requirement and road construction, this paper will probe into the conflict between the improvement of historic urban area’s transportation and culture protection factors. Based on the analysis model of historic city traffic situation and traffic carrying capacity, this paper will put forward some important optimizing strategies from following aspects, including the improvement of traffic facilities, the optimization of traffic structures, raising management level and enhancing the public’s subject consciousness of participating in the urban traffic sustainable development.

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