


    Research on performance evaluation of logistics enterprises

    Abstract Since the 21st century, with the global economy developing rapidly, known as "the third profit source" of the modern logistics already flourishing in the worldwide , it has experienced several decades of development, jumped into the global economic development of a new economic growth point.In our country, the modern logistics industry, which is introduced by a large number of foreign capital enterprises, has also been gradually started.But most of the logistics enterprises are still in the development stage, the internal service scope is relatively narrow, the logistics market and the internal operation management mechanism is not perfect, compared with the developed countries there is still a big gap.Therefore, in this case to establish a set of reasonable, efficient and convenient operation of the logistics enterprise performance evaluation system, will contribute to promote the healthy development of China's logistics enterprises.The purpose of this paper is through the analysis of the impact of logistics enterprise performance evaluation factors,select the appropriate evaluation index, using the analytic hierarchy process to determine the index weight, to construct the index system of the performance evaluation of logistics enterprise, and through the analysis oflogistics enterprises are facing many problems that enhance the logistics enterprise performance evaluation of the feasibility of the proposed Finally, taking the Dong Yu logistics enterprise as an example, study in zhe case. so as to optimize the performance evaluation of logistics enterprises and put forward effective measures and suggestions for the future development.

     Keywords:Logistics enterprises;performance evaluation;AHP;Fuzzy comprehensive Evaluation

    0引言 1

    1我国物流发展概况 3

    1.1我国物流企业发展现状 3

    1.2我国物流企业绩效现状 3

    2国内外对物流绩效评价的研究现状 4

    2.1国外对物流绩效评价的研究 4

    2.1.1国外物流绩效评价指标研究 4

    2.1.2国外绩效评价体系构建 5

    2.2国内对物流绩效评价的研究 6

    2.2.1国内物流绩效评价指标研究 6

    2.2.2国内物流绩效评价体系构建 6


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