


    Evaluation of express delivery service quality based on SERVQUAL model Abstract

    In recent years, due to the rapid development of information technology and e-commerce, express industry in China has huge development space and opportunities. However,with the rapid development of the express delivery ,customer’s demand  and complaint for quality of service is becoming more and more high because of more and more service quality problem.So improving the quality of service has become the primary task of the various express enterprises.In order to solve the problem,this paper establishes service quality evaluation system of express enterprise based on the SERVQUAL model, combing with the characteristics of express enterprises and express service standards . Because of the fuzziness and gradation of the express enterprise evaluation index ,this paper chose AHP fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate. In empirical research, the paper chose Shentong express as research object because it’s representative of private express delivery,Then this paper found the problem and put forward the corresponding improvement strategy. At last,I hope this research can has a reference significance of express delivery service quality evaluation and improvement.

    Keywords:express delivery service quality; SERVQUAL; AHP; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method

    0 引言 1

    1 SERVQUAL模型的基础原理及用于评价快递服务质量的优点 5

    1.1 SERVQUAL模型的基础原理 5

    1.2 SERVQUAL模型评价快递服务质量的优势 6

    2 基于SERVQUAL理论快递服务质量指标体系构建 6

    2.1响应性 7

    2.2可靠性 7

    2.3移情性 8

    2.4保证性 8

    2.5有形性 8

    3 基于模糊综合评价法的服务质量评价方法 9

    3.1 利用AHP法确定权重 9

    3.2 基于模糊综合评价法进行评价 12

    4 实证研究:以“申通”为例 13

    4.1 申通快递有限公司简介 13

    4.2 问卷设计与数据来源 13

    4.3 测评结果分析 15

    4.4 申通快递物流服务质量问题的改进方案 19

    总 结 22

    致  谢

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