
    摘 要互联网与各行业结合发展的新业态成为新的经济增长动力,围绕互联网转型行业业态已是势在必行。本研究基于镇江飓风物流发展现状,发现企业产品/服务形态单一,组织形态老套,效率不高,经营形态创新不足。因此,本文阐明了基于互联网的物流业态基本特征;深入分析了产品/服务形态、组织形态、经营形态创新与物流业态创新之间关系,提出了基于互联网的镇江飓风物流业态转型升级的路径。62360


    Hurricane logistics industry based on Internet research on the transformation and upgrade paths

    Abstract Internet and new form with the development of various industries into a new economic growth engine, has unlimited potential and broad prospects, has become an irresistible trend of the times. Based on the status of this issue hurricane Zhenjiang logistics industry, we found that companies form a single product, morphology old-fashioned, inefficient, lack of innovation management form. Therefore, this paper illustrates the basic format of Internet-based logistics characteristics; in-depth analysis of the product form, the relationship between the morphology, shape innovative management and logistics business innovation, and the path is an Internet-based logistics Zhenjiang hurricane format transformation and upgrading.

    Keywords:logistics businesses;the Internet;nnovation;path

    摘 要 II

    Abstract III

    0 引言 1

    1 互联网背景下物流业态转型的相关理论 1

    1.1物流业态的发展 1

    1.2互联网研究 3

    1.2.1互联网+的含义 3

    1.2.2互联网+的基本内涵 3

    1.3基于互联网的物流业态基本特征 4

    1.4基于互联网的物流业态创新 4

    1.4.1产品/服务形态创新与物流业态创新 5

    1.4.2组织形态创新与物流业态创新 5

    1.4.3经营形态创新与物流业态创新 5

    2 基于互联网的物流业态转型升级路径 6

    2.1产品/服务形态创新引发物流业态转型升级 6

    2.2组织形态创新引发物流业态转型升级 6

    2.3经营形态创新引发物流业态转型升级 7

    2.4技术创新引发物流业态转型升级 8

    2.5消费者需求变化引发物流业态转型升级 9

    3 以“飓风”物流公司为例,实现物流业态转型升级 9

    3.1公司简介 9

    3.2公司现状 10

    3.2.1产品/服务形态现状 10

    3.2.2组织形态现状 10

    3.2.3经营形态现状 11

    3.3飓风物流业态发展存在的问题 12

    3.3.1产品/服务形态方面 12

    3.3.2组织形态方面 12

    3.3.3经营形态方面 12


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