
    摘  要:对H学校学生进行大学生志愿服务动机研究的问卷调查,采用随机抽样的方法, 获得有效问卷215份,通过因子分析获得五个主要因子,分别为自我兴趣与发展因子、社会责任因子、社会压力因子、获利因子、偶发因子。并发现男女生在自我兴趣与发展、获利、偶发三个因子上有显著差异,在其余两个因子上无显著差异;不同专业之间在自我兴趣与发展因子、社会压力因子上存在显著差异,在其余三个因子上无显著差异;不同年级之间在社会压力因子与偶发因子上存在显著性差异,在其余三个因子上不存在显著性差异;户籍、是否担任学生干部对五个动机因子的影响没有显著差异。62433


    Abstract: A questionnaire survey was conducted on the volunteer service motivation of college students in H school. By using the method of random sampling, 215 questionnaires were available. It obtains five main factors by the factor analysis, including self interest and development factor, social responsibility factor, social pressure factor, profit factor, accidental factor. It found that male and female students in self interest and development factor, profit factor and accidental factor have significant difference , they have no significant difference in the other two factors; Between different professionals, there are significant difference in self interest and development factor, social pressure factor. In the remaining three factors, there is no significant difference; Among different grades, it has significant difference in social pressure factor and accidental factor, and there are no significant difference in the other three factors; Household registration and whether as student cadres have no significant difference in the five motivation factors.

    Keywords: college students, volunteer service motivation, questionnaire survey

    1  引言 3

    文献综述 3

    2.1  相关概念 3

    2.2  文献综述 3

    3  研究方法 4

    4  研究结果 5

    4.1  大学生志愿服务动机因子分析与命名 5

    4.2  不同背景特征下大学生志愿服务动机因子群体差异 8

    5  分析与结论 12

    结  论 15

    参考文献 16

    致  谢 17

    附录 18

    1  引言


    2  文献综述

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