
    摘  要:当代我国慈善事业发展的重要条件在于基础慈善组织的发展与完善,进一步提升慈善组织公信力有利于加强我国慈善组织存的在合法性基础,同时也有利于促进慈善组织的全面可持续发展以及社会传统慈善文化的培育推广。然而当前我国慈善组织普遍面临着较为严重的公众信任危机,其产生的主要因素在于政府行为的频繁干预使得政府与慈善组织之间定位含糊不清,同时我国慈善组织在运行管理等方面的法律制度不健全、慈善组织信息公开不透明等。目前我国明确定位政府和慈善组织之间的关系、加快建立健全慈善运行管理方面法律法规体系,增强外部约束力、加强慈善组织自身建设和营造良好的社会环境等措施成为提升我国慈善组织公信力的方向指引和解决方案。62426


    Comments on Enhancing the Credibility of Charitable Organizations of China

    Abstract: Contemporary Chinese philanthropy development is one of the important conditions for the development of charity organization and perfect, further enhance charity credibility is beneficial to strengthen China's charity save the legitimacy foundation, as well as to promote the comprehensive sustainable development of charity organization and social cultivation promotion of traditional charity culture. However the current our country public trust of charity organization generally faces serious crisis, the main factors of its frequent intervention is that the government behavior makes the positioning ambiguity between the government and charity, and charity organization in the aspects of operation management in our country legal system is not sound, charity information disclosure is not transparent and so on. At present, the clear positioning the relationship between the government and charitable organizations, to speed up the legal system to establish and perfect charity run management, strengthen external binding, to strengthen the construction of charity organization itself and create a good social environment and other measures to promote charity organization credibility in our country as the direction and solutions.

    Key Words: The credibility of charity; The credit crisis; The reason; governance

    随着我国经济结构转型和社会慈善体制改革横向和纵向的不断深入,当前我国慈善事业整体都在面临着来自各方面巨大的压力与挑战。近些年来譬如中国红十字会“郭美美”事件,中国慈善联合会,“尚德税务欺诈”事件等一系列频发的慈善业界丑闻发生,我国慈善组织在社会范围内的公信力遭到严重破坏,开展的慈善活动民众参与率低,多数民众对慈善组织,乃至慈善事业持消极看法。慈善组织正面临着严重的社会范围内诚信危机,怎样塑造和巩固我国慈善组织公信力,促进慈善事业良好快速发展,这已经成为当前我国慈善组织所面对的重要问题。所谓公信,“公”即公众;“信”即信用信任信赖。慈善组织的公信力就是“公众对慈善组织的信任程度或慈善组织赢得公众信任的能力”[1] 。



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