Problems and Countermeasures of Information Disclosure of the Basic Unit Government
Abstract: Grass-roots government information publicity system in our country belongs to the early stage, the government information disclosure can not only promote the development of democratic institutions and the relevant legal system, can also be made by a citizen's right to know, improve the consciousness of the citizen's right to know. Since our country the government information disclosure regulations promulgated, the government information disclosure on the path of legal system step by step, the government information publicity is also gradually on track, but, due to the initial set up and practice system, there are many deficiencies, such as imperfect information disclosure not comprehensive problem, which requires our common efforts to find and solve problems, to create a transparent and honest government, restore the government authority.
Key words: information disclosure; Local Government; public's right to know; Government information
我国基层政府信息公开有三个阶段。一是倡导试点阶段。主要体现在:邓小平的号召、党的十三大报告的要求、地方部分市县的试点。二十世纪八十年代末期邓小平反复强调,党的十三大报告是经过代表大会通过的,具有严肃意义,必须严格地遵守和执行。在基层政府进行政府信息公开试点符合建设中国特色社会主义的任务和要求。二是基层推行阶段。党的十五大报告要求进行公开办事制度的建设,要求在全国各级县、市以及乡、镇等基层政府推行,使政府信息公开普及到各个阶层、各个地区。三是全面推行阶段。为了推动地方和部门更加积极地制定政府信息公开的法律制度,完善我国法律体系,国务院颁布了《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》。如果将2003年“非典”事件作为开端,至2007年国务院颁布《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》(以下简称“条例”),我国处于从政务公开到政府信息公开过渡的阶段,我国在处理“非典”疫情时凸显了“知情权”和“政府信息”的概念,一方面是在公布每日感染人数及疫情情况时充分尊重了公民知情权;另一方面是“政府信息公开”比政务公开有更广泛的定义跟范围。[2] 此后即2007年后,则为基层政府信息公开全面推行阶段。