


    Abstract: The development and operation of geological parks in our country has begun to take shape, there are many excellent geological park has been a huge success, for the development of geological park tourism in China provides a solid foundation. But the appearance of a large number of geological park, the quality is uneven, resource destruction is serious, the problem such as tourism effect is not guaranteed. In this article, the author mainly adopts case analysis and comparative analysis, to color sarin geological parks in yunnan tourism operating conditions were investigated as a case, find out the problem for the color sarin, and aimed at these problems put forward countermeasures for superficial, and finally to the overall development of geological park tourism in China has a good prospect. The article is pided into five parts: one, foreword, the selected topic reason, scope, the condition of forefathers' research and expected results are briefly; Two, color sarin resource conditions and operating conditions of development present situation analysis, points out the problem; Three, analyze the colour geological park tourism development in the process of the specific reasons for these problems; Four, in view of the problems the author superficial Suggestions and opinions; Five, conclusion, placed on the development of geological parks in our country tourism prospects.

    Keywords: geological park tourism,yunnan colorful sand forest, the reason and countermeasure analysis


    1 前言 4

    2 云南彩色沙林的现状分析 5

    2.1 旅游资源状况 5

    2.2 旅游经营状况 6

    2.3 与石林对比分析 8

    3 彩色沙林地质公园旅游经营不景气的原因分析 9

    3.1 地区旅游圈开发不完整 10

    3.2 景区管理政策导向存在问题 11

    4 彩色沙林地质公园旅游发展对策研究 13

    4.1 景区开发与规划措施 13

    4.2 景区管理策略 15

    5 结论 17

    参考文献 18

    致谢 19

    1 前言云南彩色沙林地质公园旅游资源价值巨大,但在旅游经营方面却很不理想。本文以云南彩色沙林地质公园旅游为案例进行分析,目的在于具有针对性的指出彩色沙林的问题,以便更好的开发保护和经营。目前,有关地质公园旅游的研究主要停留在开发层面上,多是对于地质公园的旅游资源和旅游价值进行分析。本文主要从地质公园旅游的经营方面入手,进行研究。本文主要从地质公园的旅游经营和保护方面入手,以云南彩色沙林为例,通过对其发展过程进行分析,找出地质公园旅游发展困境的原因所在,研究我国地质公园的可持续发展策略。

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