
    摘  要:战略性新兴产业有助于提升我们的国际竞争力,促进经济的可持续发展。战略性新兴产业具有很多特点,比如核心技术新、市场需求新、发展模式新等等,为产业未来的发展指明了方向,在经济发展的过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。但从实际情况来看,在战略性新兴产业发展的过程中有着很多的问题,比如产业规模不大、收益偏低,科技成果转化率低,自主创新能力不强,受到体制机制的制约等等,这些问题要是在发展的过程中不加以解决的话,那么战略性新兴产业的发展将会是停滞不前的,因此,政府有必要在发展过程中在企业制度,科技人才选拔制度,融资方式,激励考核制度等方面充分发挥自己的作用,克服发展过程中的各种障碍,进行体制机制的创新推进战略性新兴产业的发展。63076


    The government in promoting the development of strategic emerging industries and action

    Abstract: Promoting the international competitiveness of our country and the capacity of independent development, guarantee the sustainable development of economy, has very important significance. Strategic emerging industries with core technology new, market demand, the development model and other characteristics, it represents the future direction of the development of the industry, and play a key role in the economic development. But looked from the reality, in the process of development of strategic emerging industries is small, low income, independent innovation ability is not strong, the scientific and technological achievements conversion rate is low, the restriction of system and mechanism, etc., these problems if not be solved in the process of development, so the development of strategic emerging industries will be stagnant, therefore, the government is necessary in the process of development in the enterprise system, scientific and technological personnel selection system, the financing way, aspects and so on appraisal system give full play to their role, to overcome the obstacles in the process of development, for the innovation of the system and mechanism to promote the development of strategic emerging industries.

    Key Words:The government; Strategic emerging industries; The status quo. The reason; role







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