



     Research on HUAWEI mobile phone marketing strategy

    Abstract: Facing the in-depth implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping on economic development is an important conference spirit, economic downward pressure is too large, the sales industry competition is increasingly fierce, the Huawei Company also actively seeking to effectively expand market share.

    This paper taking Huawei mobile phone as the research object, combined with Huawei cell phone at home and abroad history of the development, points out that Huawei's mobile phone business department under the premise of quality assurance, the 

    marketing 4P theory (product, price, channel, promotion), using the method of SWOT analysis, clear the Huawei in China develop mobile phone business advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges. Design combination of corresponding product, price, channel, promotion marketing strategy, further discussion on development trends and market space of Huawei's mobile phone, ensure that in the competition invincible.

    Keywords: HUAWEI mobile; SWOT analysis ;4P theory


    第1章、绪 论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2研究意义 1

    1.3研究现状 2

    1.3.1华为企业简介 2

    1.3.2 营销环境 2

    第2章 华为手机的营销策略优势 3

    2.1华为手机产品策略的优势分析 3

    2.1.1实体品牌、规格、型号丰富多样 3

    2.1.3唯一一款拥有国内先进技术 3

    2.2华为手机价格策略的优势分析 3

    2.2.1产业链互通基本价格低 3

    2.2.2芯片技术降低研发成本 4

    2.3华为手机渠道策略的优势分析 4

    2.3.1分销渠道形式多样化 4

    2.3.2与良好的运营商合作 4

    2.4华为手机促销策略的优势分析 4

    2.4.1别具特色的广告词 4

    2.4.2营销推广的方式多样化 5

    第3章 华为手机营销策略的劣势 6

    3.1华为手机产品策略劣势的分析 6

    3.1.1商务机型多外观不够新颖 6

    3.1.2机身本身没有防盗系统 6

    3.1.3手机的反侦察能力差 6


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