

    毕业论文关键词  绩效评估   公平   知识共享行为   绩效改进机会

    Title  The study of the relationship between performance evaluation justice and knowledge sharing behavior                     

    Abstract In the competitive enterprise knowledge economy era, human resources workers how to establish knowledge competitiveness from the internal enterprise is an important problem urgently needed to explore. On the basis of theoretical research in performance evaluation justice and knowledge sharing behavior, this study selected domestic companies and the questionnaire survey to 170 employees as the research object.  According to the situation of employees in the organization currently, we discussed the effect and the relationship between performance appraisal fairness and knowledge sharing behavior, and study the  adjustment of performance improvement opportunities between the two .Results show that employees' performance appraisal fairness and performance improvement opportunities for enterprise employees the knowledge sharing behavior are predicted. In addition, the performance improvement opportunities positively adjust the relationship between performance evaluation fairness and knowledge sharing behavior. In high performance improvement opportunities situation, the performance evaluation of a sense of fairness on knowledge sharing behavior has a positive role, and under the low situation, fair performance evaluation and knowledge sharing behavior has no positive prediction function. At the end of the paper, management practice is proposed based on the results of the study.

     Key words:  performance evaluation     justice     knowledge sharing behavior     Performance improvement opportunities

    论文网外 文 摘 要

    目     次


    1.1 研究背景··1

    1.2 研究意义··2

    1.3 研究方法··2

    2 理论回顾·3

    2.1 知识共享行为相关理论回顾·3

    2.2 绩效评估公平相关理论回顾·5

    3 研究假设·6

    3.1 绩效评估公平对企业员工知识共享行为的影响6

    3.2 绩效改进机会对员工知识共享行为的影响及其调节作用·6

    4 研究设计·8

    4.1 数据样本和变量测量·8

    4.2 信度检验·10

    4.3 描述性统计··10

    5 实证研究结果··11

    6 研究结论15





    图 表 清 单

    图3-1 研究模型8

    图5-1 绩效改进机会对绩效评估公平与知识共享行为的调节作·14

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