
    摘  要:本文以现代营销理论为指导,通过在泰兴市场的摸索,阐述当前的营销环境。首先文章介绍泰兴白酒市场和新郎酒的白酒特点,以及目前新郎酒团队正在开展的活动。论文根据市场调查问卷,结合4p理论,从产品,价格,促销,渠道四个方面对新郎酒市场情况进行分析,发现问题。再结合产品策略,价格策略,渠道策略,促销策略这四种营销策略对新郎酒本身进行调整,对其市场进行规划。分析得出,新郎酒在市场中取得成功的关键是渠道策略和促销策略,其次是产品策略和价格策略。在未来的调整中,我们要力抓渠道和促销,同时兼顾另外两个策略。从而提高新郎酒的销量,和扩大新郎酒的知名度。64048


    Abstract:This essay is intended to explain the current marketing environment on the basis of the guidance of modern marketing theory and the exploration in taixing market. Firstly, this article introduces kinds of white liquors in the market of taixing and the features of xinlang liquor, apart from the activities recently being undertaken by the xinlang liquor firm. Based on market surveys and the 4p theory, this essay analyses the xinlang liquor’s marketing from the four aspects of product, price, promotion, channel with the intention of finding problems. Secondly, by combining the next four strategies concerning product, price, place, promotion to make adjustments to the xinlang liquor and plan its market. According to these analysis and researches, we can find channel and promotion strategies play a crucial role in the success of xinglang liquor. Price and production strategies are next to them. In the future adjustment. we should pay closer attention to place and promotion. Meanwhile, we should not ignore the significance of the other two strategies. As a consequence, the sales will be improved and xinglang liquor will earn a better reputation.

    Keywords: xinlang liquor, taixing, marketing strategy ,4p

     1  引言 3

    2  相关背景介绍 3

    2.1  泰兴市白酒市场背景 3

    2.2  新郎酒及市场情况介绍 3

    3  泰兴市新郎酒的现状 4

    3.1  基本情况统计 4

    3.2  白酒产品了解情况的统计 4

    3.3  消费方式方面的问题统计 5

    3.4  关于新郎酒问题的统计 5

    4  新郎酒在泰兴市场中存在的问题 6

    4.1  产品定位错误,选择度数偏高 6

    4.2  消费者对官方标价不信任 6

    4.3  渠道单一,烟酒店未开发 6

    4.4  缺乏促销人员 7

    4.5  广告力度不大 7

    5  泰兴市新郎酒营销对策 7

    5.1  提供低度数新郎酒 7

    5.2  加深官方标价的信赖程度 8

    5.3  巩固原有渠道,开发烟酒店 9

    5.4  加大人员促销力度 11

    5.5  加大广告投入 11

    结  论 13


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