


    毕业论文关键词  网购  电子商务  物流配送

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The Research Of Online shopping Supply Chain Logistics Management Model                  

    Abstract Online shopping is the product of 21st century information technology, and network-base, which is the means of the process of commodity trading based on modern information technology . More and more people like to buy what he want online, so the logistics and distribution of their match gradually become the key of online trading. Online shopping develop steady only by virtue of modern logistics. The distribution is a core element of modern logistics, also can be said that it’s the composite product of the modern market economy and modern science technology. Of course, the significance of distribution for economic development not only limited to the e-commerce online shopping, more importantly, that it is the development of a strategic means. B2C e-commerce logistics has the feature of varieties, a small amount of orders, delivery destination dispersed features. 

    In this paper, to understand e-commerce, online shopping and supply chain logistics and distribution relationships, based on the net purchase by studying the development of the logistics supply chain status and distribution model to explain the lack of e-commerce and logistics optimization measures, which focus on improving infrastructure, management mode, logistics speed, logistics services, etc.. At last, concludes and the develop of network shopping flow in the future.

    Keywords  online shopping  e-commerce  logistics and distribution

    1  前言 6

    1.1  网购供应链物流定义 6

    1.2  研究背景 6

    1.3  研究的目的和意义 8

    1.4  国内外研究的现状 8

    2  网购供应链物流发展的模式 10

    2.1  网购供应链物流配送流程 10

    2.2  物流自营与外包的优缺点 11

    3  网购供应链物流配送存在的问题 14

    3.1  物流配送的基础设施不完善 14

    3.2  物流配送成本高 15

    3.3  物流配送相关法律法规及配送中心体制不健全 15

    3.4  物流配送服务质量差 15

    4  网购供应链物流管理的优化措施

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