
    摘要商业秘密是企业立足市场,占据市场竞争优势位置的重要手段。由于了解和掌握商业秘密的雇员是最重要的活化载体,商业秘密极可能随着人才的流动而被泄露。而在现实生活中,人才流动所引发的商业秘密侵权案件屡见不鲜。竞业禁止作为企业保护商业秘密的一种有效手段,在人力资源管理实践中广泛应用。然而,由于我国目前有关的立法还不完善,企业在应用竞业禁止时还存在许多问题。本文总结国内外学者有关竞业禁止与商业秘密保护关系的相关理论,以某企业与离职雇员的竞业禁止纠纷为例,分析我国企业在运用竞业禁止存在的常见问题,结合国内有关的法律法规,提出企业在制定竞业禁止协议中应该符合的合法及合理性标准。 65176

    关键词  商业秘密保护 竞业禁止 劳动合同 人力资源管理

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The Study on Prohibition of Business Strife for Trade Secret Protection                         


    Abstract To occupy a position of advantage in the market competition, an enterprise must possess trade secrets. The transferring of talented people will lead to the lost of trade secrets developed and controlled by the talented people. In the true life, disputes over trade secrets have emerged in endlessly. As an effective means for the enterprises to protect their trade secret, prohibition of business strife has been widely used in the practice of human resource management. However, due to the non-compete legislation in China is not perfect at present, there still exist many problems in the practice of protecting trade secrets. This paper summarizes the related theory about the relationship between non-compete and trade secret protection illustrated by domestic and foreign scholars, takes an example of the dispute between the company and the former employee over the non-competition agreement, analyze the common problems in using covenants not to compete. Finally, combining with the state quo of current regulations in our country, the paper puts forward validity and rationality criteria for the perfection of prohibition of business strife from the perspective of enterprise.

    Keywords  Trade secret protection; Prohibition of business strife; Labor contract; Human resource management

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  人才流动中的商业秘密保护—竞业禁止问题的提出 1

    1.2  合理实施竞业禁止制度保护商业秘密 1

    1.3  研究思路及方法 3

    1.3.1  研究思路 3

    1.3.2  研究方法 3

    2  商业秘密 4

    2.1  商业秘密的概念 4

    2.2  商业秘密的特征 4

    2.3  商业秘密保护的意义 5

    3  竞业禁止 6

    3.1  竞业禁止的概念 6

    3.2  竞业禁止是保护商业秘密的一种有效手段 6

    4  实施竞业禁止有效保护商业秘密的途径 8

    4.1  解决好利益冲突 8

    4.1.1  解决好与劳动者的劳动权、自由择业权之间的冲突 8

    4.1.2  解决好与社会公共利益的冲突

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