

    关键词:供应链;报童模型;价格补贴策略(MMP);均方差(MV);协调机制 ;风险规避;

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Coordination of Supply Chains With a Risk-Averse Supplier           

    Abstract:The note enterprises of the supply chains always make decisions to maximize their own benefit, which harms the whole performance of the supply chains, so it’s important to achieve the coordination of the supply chains. Due to the market uncertainty, the members of supply chain always show a certain degree of risk averse in the real industry. Thus, we focus on how to coordinate the supply chains with a risk-averse supplier. We set up a game model based on a two-stage supply chain with an upstream risk-averse manufacturer (supplier) and a downstream risk-neutral retailer. The risk-averse supplier first sets the parameters for markdown money policy, and then the risk-neutral retailer decides the optimal order quantity. We find that an appropriate markdown money policy can coordinate the entire supply chain. We then conduct a numerical study with the real data from two companies to validate the coordinated money markdown policy. We find that the optimal markdown price, the risk aversion threshold for the supplier and coefficient of profit variation have a great influence on coordinated contract and performance of the supply chain. Important managerial insights and suggestions for the industry practitioners are discussed.

    Keywords: Supply chain; Newsvendor model; Markdown money policy(MMP); Mean-variance(MV); Coordination mechanism; Risk averse


    第一章 引言 1

    1.1问题的提出 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.1国外研究现状 2

    1.2.2国内研究现状 4

    1.3研究思路 4

    第二章 供应商风险规避情况下的供应链协调 6

    2.1引言 6

    2.2模型描述 7

    2.3在MMP下的供应链协调:分析结果 9

    2.4本章小结 17

    第三章 数据分析 17

    第四章 结论及建议 23

    致  谢 25

    参考文献 26

    第一章 引言



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