



    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Analysis of delivery lead time on the impact of supply risk based on artificial supply chain                       


    Supply chain risk is the problem that enterprise often faced with and cannot be avoided. Over the past decade, supply chain risk has been the importance of domestic and foreign scholars. Supply chain risk is generally pided into internal operational risk and the risk of disruption. In this paper, supply chain risk mainly refers to the delivery lead time of uncertainty resulting from internal operational risk. 

    Artificial supply chain is a virtual reality as possible approaching a supply chain system that using computer technology to structure. We build an artificial supply chain model, using the example of the design by changing supplier delivery lead time to analyze a different delivery lead time for their own businesses, as well as peer competitors and downstream enterprise’ supply risk. The results showed that: under the case of not considering the cost factor, an appropriate extension of the delivery lead time of an enterprise can help reduce their own and downstream enterprises' supply risk, and at the same time leads to the increases of their peer competitors' supply risk . 

    Key Words: Artificial supply chain model, Supply chain risk,Delivery lead time


    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景和意义 1

    1.2国内外研究综述 2

    1.3研究目标和内容 3

    2 人工供应链以及相关理论 5

    2.1人工供应链的定义 5

    2.1.1供应链网络中角色的定义 5

    2.1.2 人工供应链模型的构建 6

    2.2供应链风险 7

    2.2.1供应链风险的类型 7

    2.2.2供应链风险的特点 10

    2.3供应链风险管理 11

    3 交货提前期对供应链风险的影响分析 14

    3.1 问题的背景 14

    3.2模型描述 14

    3.3供应链风险的度量 15

    4 算例设计与数值分析 17

    4.1 前提假设 17

    4.2 算例设计 18

    4.3 结果分析 21

    5 结论 23


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