
    摘要在自我价值日益受到重视的今天,工作说明书上的内容已经越来越无法全面涵盖组织对成员的需要,因此情境绩效这个代表着组织成员对组织自觉自愿的额外付出的概念的重要性日益凸显。情境绩效这个概念的理论基础是个体绩效的三维模型以及角色外行为理论,指的是一种岗位说明书要求之外的绩效,是组织成员自愿从事的职责范围之外的对组织有利的活动,例如自愿承担职责之外的工作、与同事保持良好的关系、主动帮助同事等等。有关情境绩效的维度划分,不同学者的看法各不相同,比较有代表性的是 Van Scoaer 和 Motowidlo 的经典二维模型以及 Borman 和 Motowidlo 的五维模型。情境绩效的影响因素很多,大致可以分为个体因素以及与工作特征有关的因素两类。情境绩效对任务绩效由促进作用,同时对组织的其它职能也能产生影响。63672

    毕业论文关键词  情境绩效  绩效  影响因素

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Research Progress of the Contextual Performance 

    Abstract In the self-worth get more attention today, the content on the statement of work has become increasingly unable to fully cover the organization members' needs, so this represents a situational performance members of the organization voluntarily pay an extra growing importance of the concept. Contextual performance theory is based on the concept of three-dimensional model of inpidual performance and extra-role behavior theory, refers to an outside job description that requires the performance of members of the organization voluntarily undertake duties outside the scope of the organization beneficial activities, such as voluntarily assume responsibilities outside of work to maintain good relations with colleagues, take the initiative to help colleagues and so on. For the dimensions of contextual performance pision, the different views of scholars differ, is more representative of the classic two-dimensional model of the Van Scoaer & Motowidlo and Borman & Motowidlo’s five-dimensional model. Many factors influence the contextual performance, they can be pided into inpidual factors and work-related factors characteristic categories. Contextual performance on task performance by the facilitative role, while other functions of the organization can also have an impact.

    Keywords  Performance  Contextual Performance  Factors

    1   引言 1

    1.1  研究背景  1

    1.2  研究意义  2

    1.3  研究内容及方法  2

    2  情境绩效研究进展 2

    2.1  理论背景   3

    2.2  情境绩效概念的提出 4

    2.3  情境绩效的维度划分 7

    2.4  情境绩效的影响因素 9

    3  情境绩效的影响与作用  12

    3.1  情境绩效扩展了绩效行为指标的内涵 12

    3.2  情境绩效有助于组织效能的提升 12

    3.3  情境绩效对人力资源管理其它职能的作用 13

    4  情境绩效研究展望  14

    4.1  几个待研究的方向 14

    4.2  对未来研究的几点建议 14

    致谢  16


    1  引言

    1.1  研究背景

    1.1.1  绩效管理


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