
    摘  要:经济的发展带来城市的膨胀、人口的扩张,城镇化的脚步同时也推动了房地产业的迅猛发展。在全国房地产低迷的大背景下,徐州的城市发展还是轰轰烈烈如火如荼的进行着,房地产的发展也是稳中有进的。城市中心的扩张,从东至西不断延伸,也促进了徐州西城的房产、商贸、交通的发展。此时,雨润新城来了,带着上百亿的投资,落户于城西门户,建造一座带动区域的城堡。项目及住宅、商业、物流贸易等各种业态为一体,配备了一套完善的教育、生活、医疗、商业设施,从本质上提升了城西板块的生活品质。本篇设计主要是具体谈谈如何把雨润新城推向市场的,设计从项目本体的简介分析到对项目市场的分析、客户群的定位以及项目自身的定位,从而展开对项目对外营销推广的策略以及具体步骤的分析,以此来阐述项目营销推广方案的重要性。65626

    毕业论文关 键 词:房地产,营销推广,雨润新城

    Abstract: Bring economic development of the city's expansion, the expansion of the population, the pace of urbanization, but also promoted the rapid development of real estate. In the background of the national real estate malaise, urban development Xuzhou still vigorous in full swing, the development of real estate is a steady intake of. The expansion of urban centers continues to extend from east to west, but also promote the development of Xuzhou West Side real estate, commerce, transportation. At this time, Yurun Metro came, with billions of investment, settled in the west portal, the construction of a spur castle area. Project and various formats of residential, commercial, logistics and trade as a whole, with a sound education, life, medical, commercial facilities, to enhance the quality of life of the west sector from nature. This design is specific about how to market Yurun town, Introduction to the project design from body analysis to project market analysis, customer base, positioning and project their own position, and thus expand the external marketing of the project Analysis of strategies and concrete steps, in order to explain the importance of the project marketing programs.

    Key words: real estate market, marketing promotion, Yurun New City

    目   录

    1  设计选题说明 4

    1.1  选题原因说明 4

    1.2  数据资料获得 4

    1.3  选题依据 4

    1.4  设计难度 4

    1.5  设计实现可能性 4

    2  设计依据 5

    2.1  理论与方法 5

    2.2  参考文献的选用 5

    3  设计技术路线 6

    3.1 市场分析法 6

    3.2  SWOT分析方法 6

    4  设计成果分析 7

    5  设计的价值与意义 8

    结论 9

    致谢 10

    参考文献 11

    1  设计选题说明

    1.1  选题原因说明


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