
    摘  要:本设计以策划淮安市亿丰时代广场商铺的方案为主题。通过对项目进行实地调查,搜索相关资料,对项目进行了详细分析。本设计主要对项目背景,国内商业地产发展的市场状况,对项目周边商业圈进行了分析,结合市场与公司的具体情况,对产品的目标市场,目标客户进行定位,对项目的市场定位,推广策略,招商策略,销售策略等多个方面进行了策划,以应对市场与消费者,提高项目对市场的影响力,市场的知名度,从而提高项目的效益。65627



    毕业论文关 键 词:商业地产市场研究,目标市场细分,SWOT分析,商业地产招商策划,销售方案策划


































    Abstract: This design to planning scheme of Huaian Yifeng Times Square shops for the theme. Through the field survey was carried out on the project, the search related information, to the project are analyzed in detail. This design is mainly on the project background, the development of the domestic commercial real estate market situation, analyses the project surrounding commercial circle, the light of the specific conditions of the market and the company, the product of the target market, target customer orientation, market positioning of the project, promotion strategy, investment strategy, sales strategy and so on several aspects of the planning, in response to the market and consumers, improve project influence of the market, market awareness, so as to improve the benefit of the project.



    Keywords: real estate market research, target market segmentation, SWOT analysis, real estate investment, planning sales plan














    目   录


    1  设计选题说明 4

    1.1  选题原因说明 4

    1.2  数据资料的获得 4

    1.3  开发商简介 4

    1.4  设计项目概况 4

    1.5  设计的目的与要求 5

    1.6  设计的难度 5

    1.7  设计实现的可能性 5

    2  设计依据 5

    2.1  房地产营销策划的概念 6

    2.2  房地产营销策划的内容 6

    2.3  参考文献的选用 6

    3  设计的价值 6

    3.1  设计可行性分析 6

    3.2  对专业学习的作用 6

    3.3  对社会工作的作用

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