




    毕业论文关键词:创新能力 创业认知 创业意向 


    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Today, people unprecedented attention on innovation. Innovation education students ability to innovate has become the consensus of schools at all levels. College students learn life coming to an end, go to work, to contribute to society. Innovative education colleges have direct practical significance. In this paper reference for relevant research literature and measurement scales, based on the hypothetical model by proposing, as well as questionnaire design, distribution, recycling and thus data for statistical analysis, to understand the relationship between the three variables. Questionnaire distributed object-based Jiangsu college students, college students, supplemented by other regions.

    (1) variance analysis showed that: the control variables by examining the sample capacity for innovation, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intentions three cognitive variables, gender and professional on entrepreneurial intention significant difference in grades significantly different perception of entrepreneurship, gender, grade, professional right innovation was no significant difference.

    (2) Correlation analysis showed that: The results show that pairwise correlation between variables analysis results indicate that the innovation and entrepreneurial cognition related to innovation and entrepreneurial intentions completely unrelated, entrepreneurial cognition associated with entrepreneurial intention. Cognitive ability and entrepreneurial innovation and entrepreneurship is the intention of the manipulated variable is positive adjustment.

    (3) Regression analysis showed that: Entrepreneurship cognitive ability and entrepreneurial intention in innovation plays a full mediating role between the front when the analysis of the correlation analysis, innovation and entrepreneurship intentions completely unrelated, and then through regression analysis, and further draw ability to innovate entirely through entrepreneurship cognitive impact on entrepreneurial intentions.

    Keywords:Innovation capacity  Entrepreneurial cognition  Entrepreneurial intention     


    目         录

    1.1研究背景和意义 4

    1.2研究框架 4

    2  相关理论与文献综述 5

    2.1 创新能力 5

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