
    摘要:“加多宝”作为老字号凉茶品牌,因为其进入门槛低、成本低,在发展的 过程中有许多竞争者。除此之外,由于传统观念和计划经济思想,加多宝的营销 方案无法与当今时代潮流和饮品潮流同步,导致消费群体越来越小,市场占有率 有所下降,值得加多宝引起重视。66265

    本论文所选择的课题是对加多宝凉茶的营销策略研究。文章以加多宝凉茶为 案例研究对象,在对其危机现状分析基础上,明晰其整合营销传播,探讨其品牌 营销的优缺点。在此基础上,运用波特五力模型和 SWOT 理论,探讨凉茶市场 的竞争现状以及内外部环境。进而采用 4P 理论深度分析加多宝凉茶营销策略和 品牌现状。本文以加多宝凉茶为核心,研究如何在日益竞争激烈的饮料市场上为 加多宝找到一个适合的卖点,提高加多宝在凉茶市场中的市场份额。并结合实践 得出加多宝凉茶存在的问题和提出相应的对策。


    Marketing Strategies Research of JDB Herbal Tea

    Abstract:"JDB" ,as a national old brand, has many competitors in the process of its development due to the low entry of herbal tea market barriers and the low cost. In addition, the marketing plans of JDB are bounded by traditional concepts and the planned economy, which cannot keep up with the current trend and drinks tide. They cause the group of consumers smaller and smaller, the market share to fall sharply and a mass of crisis may arise.

    The selected topic of this paper is to study marketing strategy research of JDB herbal tea. JDB herbal tea ,as a research subject of the case, should make its integrated

    marketing communications clear and its advantages and disadvantages of brand marketing should be discussed on the basis of analyzing the present situation of its crisis. On this basis, Michael Porter's Five Forces Model and SWOT theory as guides, the paper discusses the status quo of herbal tea market competition and its internal and external environment. Then uses 4P theory to deeply discuss JDB herbal tea

    marketing strategies and analyze its brand. JDB herbal tea is the core of this article, which studies how the herbal tea market competition intensify. The increasing prominent phenomenon of product homogeneity is a good selling point for JDB herbal tea to enhance the market share in the herbal tea market. Combined with the practice, it can conclude the existing problems of JDB herbal tea and put forward corresponding countermeasures.

    Key words: JDB; Wong Lo Kat; Brand Marketing; Marketing Strategy


    一、绪论 2

    (一) 研究的背景及意义 2

    1、研究背景 2

    2、 研究意义 2

    (二) 研究的现状及方法 2

    1、 研究现状 2

    2、 研究方法 3

    二、品牌营销理论综述 4

    (一)品牌营销含义 4

    (二)品牌营销的特征 4

    1、创造性 4

    2、导向性与系统 4

    3、艺术 4

    (三)品牌营销的构成要素 4

    1、品牌个性 5

    2、品牌传播 5

    3、品牌营销 5

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