


    论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The social worker and his society                 


    Abstract   Social work students is an important measure for China to strengthen the construction professional, professional social work personnel. However, the actual implementation of the situation is not optimistic. Articles through the survey on the status of Wu xi City social work students involved in the demolition work, the following dilemma: Wu xi City, the development of social work students involved in the demolition, demolition work pressure, strength of the demolition work, the government management system needs to be improved, lack of financial funds ; 2, the process of community work, sense of identity, the treatment of capital and not pay, lack of space for development, the implementation of the security policy is not enough; social work students their own lack of practical experience, the gap between ideal and reality; in this paper, these exist , the corresponding solution: a reform of the government management system and financial system; 2, the establishment of life-support measures for college students; provide specialized training and career planning.

    Keywords:Wu xi City;urban management;social work students

     目  录

    1、绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2研究意义 1

    1.3研究现状 2

    2、无锡市大学生社工发展情况 4

    2.1无锡市大学生社工发展政策 4

    2.2 无锡市政府大学生社工工作情况 7

    3、无锡市大学生社工拆迁工作情况分析 8

    3.1 无锡市大学生社工拆迁工作现状 8

    3.1.1 拆迁工作压力强度 8

    3.1.2 拆迁工作中的难题 10

    3.1.3 拆迁中的暴力拆迁 10

    3.2  无锡市大学生社工工作中问题 11

    3.2.1 薪资问题 11

    3.2.2  实际工作能力较弱 12

    3.2.3社会认同度低 12

    3.2.4 社工管理体制不健全 13

    4、无锡市大学生社工策略建议 13

    4.1  大学生社工发展的政府策略

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