

    毕业论文关键词  困难家庭儿童    社会工作    社区儿童托管    社会工作评估

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Evaluation on social work intervention on an after-school-care program for the children whose parents have trouble in child caring and teaching——Program “XinXin”in Xuanwu District in Nanjing 


        Based on the review and analysis of the results of previous studies, this thesis was started with the community after-school-care service for indigent families under social-work intervention and exemplified by the “Xin Xin” program, the community comprehensive service for indigent families, carried out by the Nanjing Municipal Tong Xin Social-Work Development Center. With the detailed process recorded, social-work intervention was analyzed and the related experience was accumulated via routine after-school-care service, special events, inpidual service, etc. Specifically, the first-hand information was collected to reveal the effectiveness of social-work intervention and determine if demand was sat isfied by the input service. Moreover, an evaluation research was also conducted to enhance the quality of professional after-school-care service with social-work and develop a highly valuable system of service quality assessment. 

    Keywords    The Difficult Family Children; Social Work; Community After-school Care Service  ;  evaluation of social work 

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究目的 2

    文献综述 2

    2.1  国内研究现状 2

    2.2  国外和我国港台地区的研究 2

    2.3  国内外学术界的研究特点及不足 3

    3  研究设计 4

    3.1  相关概念界定4

    3.1.1  儿童托管的界定..4

    3.1.2  困难家庭的界定..4

    3.2  项目评估.5

    3.2.1  项目评估的界定..5

    3.2.2  项目评估的目标..5

    3.2.3  项目评估的主体..5

    3.2.4  项目评估的目标..5

    3.3  研究思路.6

    3.3.1  程序逻辑模式.6

    3.3.2  研究思路..7

    3.3.3  评估方法..7

    4  评估结果及分析讨论..7

    4.1  项目介绍:“心馨”儿童托管服务项目 7

    4.1.1  服务理念 7

    4.1.2  服务对象 7

    4.1.3  服务目标 8

    4.1.4  服务内容 8

    4.1.5  实施主体

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