


     Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China entered a new period of rapid economic development. Under the economic globalization to promote the national economy continued to improve, people's living standards has been improved, China's urbanization process greatly accelerated. In urbanization, while accompanied by the rapid consumption of energy, a lot of carbides are released into the external environment, causing environmental pollution, the greenhouse effect, a series of eco-system disorders such as malignant consequences. Urban households direct carbon emissions as part of the city's carbon emissions, study the influencing factors for the control of urban carbon emissions, the construction of low-carbon city is essential. In this paper, the questionnaire way to Huai'an City as an example, the factors to get a direct carbon emissions impact of urban households conducted analysis, the power consumption is the main way of Huai'an City home direct carbon emissions. In the four main factors, the impact on family and social situation of urban households largest direct carbon emissions, family and social situation in the residential area of the most significant factors. This paper aims to provide a reference for the construction of low-carbon cities, promote sustainable development.

    Keywords: Urban households, energy direct carbon emissions, questionnaires, low-carbon city

    1  前言 4

    2  研究区的基本概况 4

    3  研究数据获取与分析 5

    3.1  调查问卷 5

    3.2  数据处理与分析 7

    4  结果分析 8

    4.1  家庭基本情况 8

    4.2  家庭能耗直接碳排放情况 10

    4.3  家庭能耗直接碳排放影响因子 10

    4.4  家庭社会情况主导因子分析 11

    结论 13

    参考文献 14

    致谢 15

    1  前言


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