摘 要:近来,随着中国市场经济的发展,化妆品行业得到了很大的发展,特别是连锁化妆品店成为热议话题,屈臣氏作为整个连锁化妆品行业成功的领导者,是当之无的。而我们通过在屈臣氏营销(淮安金鹰店)模式下顾客满意度调查问卷,来探讨其成功及不足之处,特别是其自产产品营销策略。我们需要重视女性市场,接受带有“大女子zhuyi”的新女性。而屈臣氏的连锁营销模式值得我们研究学习。通过对金鹰店在屈臣氏连锁营销模式下生存模式的学习,为其他连锁企业提出引导性发展策略,及时分析自身企业状态。67055
Abstract:Recently, with the development of Chinese market economy, the cosmetics industry has been greatly developed, especially the chain of cosmetics stores has become a hot topic, Watsonsas a whole chain of cosmetics industry leader, is when the. We through the Watsonsmarketing (Huaian Golden Eagle stores) analysis model to discuss the effect and performance of its success, especially the female marketing strategy. According to the report 80% of their purchase decisions are made by women, we need to pay attention to the female market, to accept the new women with "big woman". Marketing is the ultimate leverage
in twenty-first Century! While Watsons's chain marketing model is worthy of our study. Based on the mode of existence of learning in the Watsons Golden Eagle stores chain marketing
mode, as theother chain is proposed to guide the development strategy, timely analysis of the enterprisestatus.
Keywords: Watsons,chain marketing mode, Customer satisfaction, own brand
目 录
1 引言 3
2 理论基础 3
2.1 4ps理论 3
2.3 自有品牌策略理论 3
3 屈臣氏营销模式现状 4
3.1 发展历程 4
3.2 概念营销和主题营销 4
3.3 目前屈臣氏的市场定位 4
3.4 屈臣氏自产品牌发展现状 5
3.5 屈臣氏直营连锁经营模式 5
4 基于问卷调查顾客的满意程度分析 6
4.1屈臣氏购物环境舒适度 6
4.2 屈臣氏面对的营销人群 7
4.3 自有研发品牌,产品质量没有完整的监督体系 8
4.4 引进品牌是否合理 8
4.5 员工的管理 9
5 淮安金鹰屈臣氏营销效果的不足的解决方案 10
5.1 购物舒适度的细节管理 10
5.2 自产品牌,需要从本质上变得专业。 10
5.3 引进中高端品牌商品 11
5.4 员工专业度的加强 12
5.5 正对淮安市场,调整定位偏差