
    摘 要:随着高邮地区经济的大发展,全市居民的收入水平也得到了提高,这些因素也大大的改变了人们的衣食住行。衣服的功能也不再只有简单的御寒功能,人们更多开始注重穿好,穿出自己的品味。本文主要分析了“波司登集团高邮地区”的营销环境,重点阐述了“波司登集团高邮地区”的营销策略,为该企业准确找出营销的问题。根据问卷调查,总结出了6个问题,第一,顾客满意度低。第二,旗下品牌宣传力度不够。第三,价格相对较高。第四,销售渠道过于传统。第五,促销方式受众较少。第六,售后服务系统不健全。针对这些问题进行改进,给出改进的建议,第一,提高顾客满意度。第二,加强旗下其他品牌建设。第三,给出合理定价。第四,跟上时代步伐。第五,适当进行促销。第六,完善售后服务。67861


    Abstract: With the development of the economy in Gaoyou area, people’s income levels increase greatly .And in turn these factors have changed people’s food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. As a result, people wear clothes doesn’t only care about its function of keeping out the cold ,but more about wearing better and having their own style. This thesis mainly analyzes the market environment of ‘Bosideng in Gaoyou area’, and highlight the market strategy of ‘Bosideng company’. Furthermore, it helps this company find out the problem of marketing. Six problems are concluded from the questionnaire, first, customer satisfaction is low;second, its other brands lack publicity; third,price is high and set incorrectly; fourth, sales channels are traditional excessively; fifth, promotion approaches contact fewer audience; sixth, after-sales service system is not complete. To improve these problems,we give following suggestions, first, improve the degree of customer satisfaction ;second, accelerate the construction of other brands ;third, reasonable price should be given; fourth, keep in step with the times; fifth, promote products at a discount occasionally; sixth, complete the after-sales service.

    Keywords: Bosideng, down coats, marketing environment, marketing strategy

    目 录

    1  前言 3

    2  营销策略概述 3

    3  波司登在高邮地区的营销环境分析 4

    3.1  宏观环境分析 4

    3.2  微观环境分析 4

    4  市场调查问卷相关信息 5

    4.1  市场调查问卷的设计 5

    4.2  市场调查问卷的收集与整理 6

    5  波司登集团高邮地区的营销策略存在的问题 6

    5.1  顾客满意度低 6

    5.2  旗下其他品牌宣传力度不够 6

    5.3  价格相对较高 7

    5.4  销售渠道过于传统 7

    5.5  促销方式受众面少 8

    5.6  售后服务服务系统不健全 8

    6  促进波司登集团高邮地区有效营销建议 9

    6.1  提高顾客满意度 9

    6.2  加强旗下其他品牌建设 9

    6.3  给出合理定价

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