
    摘 要:随着国家改革开放三十多年的发展,公共交通所提供服务越发被人们关注,公共交通也是基础设施建设的重要组成部分,是关系国计民生的重要社会公益性事业,在优化资源利用、降低环境污染、减少能源消耗等方面具有无可比拟的优势,它的健康发展可以充分利用资源、保护环境、促进可持续发展。适时对其服务水平进行评价,能够及时发现服务中存在的问题。本文将着重研究淮安汽车运输集团在提供交通运输公共服务所给乘客带来的满意度,以此分析出目前影响淮安汽车运输集团满意度的重要因素,并在进行问卷调查的基础上衡量淮安汽车运输集团的总体满意度并结合问卷数据给出淮安汽车运输集团在提高满意度方面可以采取的一些措施。63413


    Abstract:With the development of the country more than thirty years of reform and opening up, The service which is provided by Public transportation catches more peoples attention. The Public transportation is an more important apart of infrastructure and is also related with peoples’ experience, which will do well in Optimize the use of resources、reduce environmental pollution and reduce energy consumption .It’s good development will promote making full use of resources protecting the environment promoting sustainable development. By timely assessment of the service level, the problems existing in the service would be discovered. This article will focus on the study of Huai’an Automobile Transportation Group in providing transportation public service to passengers' satisfaction, based on the analysis of the important influence factors of Huai’an automobile transportation group satisfaction, and based on the questionnaire survey on the measure of overall satisfaction of Huai’an automobile transportation group and some measures are given data of Huai’an automobile transportation group can take to improve the satisfaction.

    Keywords:Huai An Automobile Transportation Group, satisfaction, public transportation, factor analysis 

    1引言 3

    2基本理论 4

    2.1 因子分析法 4

    2.2 满意度评价模型 4

    3问卷设计和数据收集 5

    3.1 问卷获取 5

    3.2 调查问卷设计 6

    3.3 消费者基本情况分析 8

    3.4 数据相关性分析 10

    4淮汽集团服务满意度分析 11

    4.1 二级指标满意度频度分析 11

    4.2 描述统计分析 12

    4.3 因子分析法 13

    4.4 可靠性检验 16

    4.5 满意度评估模型 17

    4.6 满意度情况 18

    5 淮汽集团不满意原因分析 19

    5.1 指标内存在影响满意度问题的因素分析 19

    5.2 非指标存在影响满意度因素 21

    6 提升淮汽集团服务水平的对策 22

    结 论 23

    参考文献 24

    致 谢 25

    附表: 26

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