
    摘  要:改革开放以来,国民消费质量改善,普遍更关注精神层面的需要,文化消费逐渐得到重视,大学生文化消费情况对于社会的进步以及国家的未来更是有重大意义。但大学生不够成熟,缺乏理性,易受外界影响,普遍存在着不良的文化消费行为,影响成长。本文从消费者行为学角度结合文化消费的相关理论,设计了调查问卷,实地调查了淮阴师范学院和淮阴工学院两所本科高校在校学生的文化消费情况,归纳并总结了大学生文化消费的现状和所存在的问题。最后,针对所发现的问题和不足,给出相应的对策,以引导大学生进行正确地文化消费。63414


    Abstract:Since the Reform and Opening up, citizens’ consumption quality has improved gradually. Therefore the public are generally more concerned about spiritual demands as well as cultural consumption.Undergraduates' cultural consumption is of great significance for the progress of the society and the future of our nation. However, undergraduates are immature, irrational and impressionable in order that the undesirable cultural consumption behaviors of them emerge a lot and will influence the development of undergraduats eventually. In this paper, the questionnaire was designed for the inpiduals of Huaiyin Normal University and Huaiyin Institute of Technology to summarize the actual situation of undergraduates' cultural consumption combining the perspective of Consumer Praxiology and relevant theories of cultural consumption. Finally, we proposed the corresponding countermeasure to correctly guide undergraduates to rational cultural consumption targeted at the above issues and deficiencies.

    Keywords:college students, cultural consumption, guide

     1  引言 3

    2  文化消费相关理论 3

    2.1  文化消费的涵义 3

    2.2  文化消费的内容 3

    3  大学生文化消费的现状 4

    3.1  文化消费数量骤增、种类多样 4

    3.2  流行文化深入人心 4

    3.3  教育类消费比重较多 5

    3.4  从众性与个性化并存 5

    3.5  网络文化消费迅速发展 6

    4  大学生文化消费的问题分析 7

    4.1  文化消费品的质量良莠不齐 7

    4.2  传统文化被忽视 7

    4.3  功利性明显 7

    4.4  盲目跟风攀比现象严重 8

    4.5  娱乐成分过多,发展性不足 9

    5  引导大学生正确文化消费的对策 10

    5.1  加强市场监管 10

    5.2  加强传统文化产品宣传力度 10

    5.3  营造合理的消费氛围 11

    5.4  正确的媒体舆论引导和家庭参与 11

    5.5  培养良好的消费习惯 12

    结  论 13

    参考文献 14

    致  谢 15

    附  录

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