

    本科课题着重研究公务员的录用与退出机制两个密切联系的方面,列举出以英美等发达国家为代表的外国公务员的录用与退出制度的内容以及典型特点,然后从我国公务员录用与退出制度的现状、特点和存在的问题着手, 通过比较英美等发达国家的公务员录用与退出制度得出结论,进一步分析如何应对我国公务员录用与退出制度中存在的问题,提出完善我国公务员录用与退出制度的方法,这对于我们改革公务员制度 ,优化公务员队伍的结构,提高公务员的行政效率是具有积极意义的。

    毕业论文关键词:  公务员  录用制度   退出制度   启示

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Comparative Study of Chinese and Foreign Civil Servants  Recruitment and Exit System 


    Civil servants on behalf of the State in the social management of public affairs, the exercise of state power, to fulfill national official business. In today's world countries have established civil service, the quality of civil servants directly related to the level of development of the country as a whole and the interests of the people, the stability of civil servant team is the key to build a harmonious society. To establish a high-quality, high-efficiency harmonious and stable civil service, you must have a sound civil service recruitment, assessment, training, exit system as a backup, which “enter” and “quit” is particularly critical of the two checkpoints.

    Undergraduate subject focuses on two closely related aspects of the civil service ,which are recruitment and exit mechanism. Developed capitalist countries in Europe and the United States as the representative of Western civil service recruitment and exit system and our civil service recruitment and exit the system from a historical and cultural traditions, the legislation system, implementation plansmultiple perspectives, a comparative study which is concluded by comparing . Analysis China's civil service recruitment and exit system imperfections, which will help improve China's civil service system, promote the process of the civil service management, optimize the structure of the civil service , and for the development of Chinese characteristics Civil Service has a very positive reference.

    Keywords: Civil Servant  System of Recruiting  Exit System  Revelation

    目  次

    1 引言1

    2  中外公务员录用制度对比分析2

    2.1 外国公务员录用制度概述2

    2.1.1 外国公务员录用制度的内容2

    2.1.2 外国公务员录用制度的特点5

    2.2 我国公务员录用制度概述7

    2.2.1 我国公务员录用制度的内容7

    2.2.2 我国公务员录用制度的特点8

    2.2.3 我国公务员录用制度存在的问题9

    2.3 外国公务员录用制度对我国的启示11

    3  中外公务员退出制度对比分析12

    3.1 外国公务员退出制度概述13

    3.1.1 外国公务员退出制度的内容13

    3.1.2 外国公务员退出制度的特点15

    3.2 我国公务员退出制度概述16

    3.2.1 我国公务员退出制度的内容16

    3.2.2 我国公务员退出制度存在的问题17

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