

    Research on social media marketing strategy Take WeChat For Example

    Abstract: With the web2.0 era of network development and the popularity of smart phones, social media is becoming a daily life integral part. As the representative of social media marketing , WeChat, micro-blog is the most representative of marketing activities. This paper mainly aiming at the development status of the rapid development of the Internet and social media marketing, analyzes the market opportunities, the target market, and then combined with the questionnaire design of empirical analysis, from between several social media marketing concept, the  present situation and other aspects of social difference the media marketing strategy.70058

    This article will analyze WeChat's channel strategy, focus on its success points and response measures when meeting troubles. Hope that this article can provide a reference for the development of China's social media 

    Key Words: Social media; Marketing strategy; WeChat


    一、社交媒体营销战略研究相关理论综述 1

    (一)社交媒体相关概念 1

    1、社交媒体的定义 1

    2、社交媒体行业 1

    3、社交媒体的特点 1

    (二) 营销战略相关概念 2

    1、营销战略的基本内涵 2

    2、营销战略的的基本要素 2

    (三) 社交媒体研究现状 3

    1、社交媒体研究现状 3

    2、社交媒体研究意义 4

    二、我国社交媒体发展现状及调研分析 5

    (一)社交媒体的平台及发展情况 5

    1、主流社交媒体的平台及发展情况 5

    2、我国社交媒体营销现状 5

    (二)社交媒体营销战略的市场调研和分析 6

    1、社交媒体营销简介 6

    2、调研的方法和内容 6

    3、调研结果分析 7

    三、营销战略案例分析 14

    (一)微信营销战略的成功案例 14

    1、上海移动和教授 14

    2、杜蕾斯 14

    四、社交媒体营销战略特点分析 15

    (一)微信营销战略中存在的问题以及应对措施 15

    1、微信营销战略的具体优点. 15

    2、微信营销战略中存在的问题 15

    结论 18

    致谢 19

    参考文献 20

    附录:调查问卷及数据结果 21


    (一) 社交媒体相关概念

    1、 社交媒体的定义


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