
    Title The design of the methanol evaporator
    The heat exchangers are widely used in the field of petroleum, chemical, electric power and energy industry. A research on design and calculation of finned tube heat exchanger which is widely used in the industrial field has been carried out.
    The calculation formula is summarized through the brief analysis of steady-state heat conduction and the in-depth analysis of the convective heat transfer tube. The evaporation process of the methanol liquid inside the finned tube is pided into single-phase liquid flow heat exchanger and boiling heat transfer. The methanol evaporator design process is pided into two parts to consider. So it is easy to choose the associated type which is more applicability and highly accuracy .The design of the evaporator is more reasonable. The objective of paper is to design a finned tube heat exchanger which is given the basic design parameters and complete the thermal design and dimensioning calculation.
    Key words: methanol, evaporator, finned tube, design
    1    引言    1
    1.1    本课题的背景    1
    1.2    本课题选用的翅片管式换热器的概述    1
    1.2.1    国内外换热器发展现状    1
    1.2.2    换热器设计的研究方向    2
    1.2.3    换热器研究的意义    2
    1.3    本文主要的研究工作    3
    2    翅片管式换热器的传热及阻力计算    4
    2.1    换热器设计计算的基本方法——平均温差法    4
    2.2    换热器的传热热阻及翅片效率    4
    2.2.1    换热器的传热热阻    4
    2.2.2    翅片效率    6
    2.3    整体式翅片管外表面的传热与阻力关系式    7
    2.3.1    整体式翅片管外传热关系式    7
    2.3.2    整体套片式翅片管的流动阻力    9
    2.4    对流换热计算关系式    9
    2.4.1    单相区对流换热计算关系式    9
    2.4.2    制冷剂在管内的沸腾换热    11
    3    设计计算实例    14
    3.1    设计计算初始条件    14
    3.1.1    设计要求    14
    3.1.2    蒸发器系统流程    14
    3.1.3    蒸发器结构的初步规划及几何参数计算    14
    3.2    设计计算分区和设计流程    15
    3.2.1    设计计算分区    15
    3.2.2    设计流程    15
    3.3    单相对流区换热    16
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