摘要: 本课题是对年产两万吨挤出流延薄膜的车间工艺进行设计。通过查阅大量的文献资料和对紫江集团挤出流延生产线的现场参观,对比各种工艺后,本设计确定采用挤出流延的方法来生产薄膜。具体的过程是将原料和助剂加入到储存罐中,然后通过群控上料和强制加料的方式将物料加到挤出机内,通过T型模头将挤出机的熔融挤出的物料传递到流延辊上进行流延,再经过冷却定型、测厚装置、电晕处理、牵引装置、切割装置、卷取装置等,最终得到薄膜成品。毕业论文设计内容主要包括年产两万吨流延薄膜车间工艺流程设计,配方设计与原材料选择,物料衡算,工艺设备选型与计算,车间布置设计以及非工艺设计。设计所得成果主要有设计说明书和相应的图纸,其中图纸包括平面布置图、工艺流程图。19772
关键词: 聚丙烯流延薄膜;聚乙烯流延薄膜;挤出机 ;多层共挤薄膜
The Annual Output to 20,000 tons Extrusion Casting Film Workshop Process Design
Abstract: The design is the annual output to 20,000 tons Extrusion Casting Film workshop for the design process. By referring to a large amount of literature and the visited the scene of Zijiang Group extrusion production line, and after the comparison of all the right process, the design flow to adopt the extension of the extrusion method to the production of films. The specific process to buy the raw materials and additives added to storage tanks, then pass the information on the group control and enforcement of the feed material to extrusion machines, the Model T through the first extrusion machine will melt extrusion materials transmitted to the casting rolls, after cooling stereotypes, thickness measurement devices, Corona, traction devices, cutting device, coiling devices, the film is finally finished. Design content mainly includes the annual output of 20000 tons of stretch film workshop process design, formula design and the choice of raw materials, material balance, process equipment selection and calculation of the workshop layout design and process design. Design including the results that the design specification and the corresponding drawings which includes layout chart and process flow diagram.
Key Words: cast polypropylene film;cast polyethylene film;extruder ;multilayer co-extruded film
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 设计任务 1
1.2 塑料包装材料 2
1.2.1 主要成型工艺 2
1.2.2 主要原料 3
1.2.3 各工艺原料对比及选择 6
1.3 流延薄膜的应用及发展趋势 7
1.3.1 流延薄膜的用途 7
1.3.2 国内外发展趋势 7
1.3.3 供需情况 8
1.4 厂址选择 9
1.4.1 考虑因素 9
1.4.2 选厂 9
1.5 厂区布置 9
2 工艺选择 11
2.1 薄膜生产方式 11
2.1.1 挤出流延 11
2.1.2 溶剂流延 11
2.1.3 挤出吹膜 12
2.1.4 对比总结 12
2.2 挤出流延工艺流程 12
2.3 挤出流延工艺流程重点详解 14
- 上一篇:常压氨气汽提塔的设计+CAD图纸
- 下一篇:含能材料烧蚀性和烧蚀机理研究