    摘要: 本论文采用CaCl2与NH4HCO3液-液相反应来制备超纯超细碳酸钙,运用水洗方式对制备出的碳酸钙进行除杂,以得到高纯度的碳酸钙样品。通过对比研究不同水量对水洗结果的影响,获得制备高纯碳酸钙的最佳洗涤用水量。分别将化学纯级CaCl2与NH4HCO3充分溶解于不同烧杯中,后以倾倒法将两溶液混合,搅拌,因碳酸钙结晶诱发期较短,故需控制反应时间以得到超纯超细碳酸钙。再使用利用实验室制备的碳酸钙,替代装饰原纸中的钛白粉,在实验室条件下,检验替代部分钛白粉后的应用效果差异。得到的结论是:使用600mL水洗5g左右的碳酸钙可以既节省洗涤水量,又可以得到纯度较高的碳酸钙。随着超细轻钙替代钛白粉亮的增加,动态滤水的保留率有下降趋势,手抄片纸样的白度、不透明度、Cobb值均呈下降趋势;松厚度、强度略有上升趋势。20094
    Ca2+-HCO3-H2O system ultra-pure superfine calcium carbonate preparation research
    Abstract: This paper adopts the CaCl2 and NH4HCO3 liquid - liquid reaction to the preparation of ultra-pure superfine calcium carbonate, use water to wash way for the preparation of the calcium carbonate for removing impurity, in order to get high purity calcium carbonate samples.Through the comparative study the influence of different water to the washing result, the best washing water for the preparation of high purity calcium carbonate.Level respectively chemical pure CaCl2 and NH4HCO3 fully dissolved in different beakers, mix two solution by the method of dumping, after mixing, for calcium carbonate crystallization induced period is shorter, so the need to control the reaction time to get ultra-pure superfine calcium carbonate.Reuse of laboratory preparation of calcium carbonate, replace titanium dioxide in decorative base paper, under the condition of laboratory, test the application effects of the difference after the replace part of titanium dioxide.The conclusion is: use 600 ml water about 5 g of calcium carbonate can both save washing water, and can get high purity calcium carbonate.With the increase of superfine calcium light instead of white light, there is a downturn in the dynamic filter water retention, hand-written piece pattern of whiteness, opacity, Cobb value is on the decline;Thickness, strength slightly rising trend.
    Key words: Calcium Carbonate;Ultra Pure;Washed;Titanium Tioxide

    1  绪论1
      1.1  选题目的及意义.1
      1.2  碳酸钙的概况 ....1
      1.3  碳酸钙的理化性质.2
      1.4  碳酸钙的分类.4
       1.4.1 按生产方法分类...4
       1.4.2 按粉体粒径分类...6
       1.4.3 按微观排列分类...6
      1.5  碳酸钙的应用.7
      1.6 纳米级超细碳酸钙..8
        1.6.1 纳米级超细碳酸钙的生产方法.9
              1.6.2 纳米级超细碳酸钙的工业应用10
            1.7  碳酸钙的合成方法10
      1.8  钛白粉的概况11
         1.8.1 主要应用领域....11
                  1.8.2 性能特点....11
                  1.8.3 用途....11
            1.9 钛白粉-碳酸钙复合填料的制备及在造纸中的应用.....12
    2  实验部分...13
    2.1  碳酸钙实验室制备方法拟定13
    2.2  碳酸钙实验室制备过程13
      2.3  碳酸钙含量的测定14
      2.4  碳酸钙代替装饰原纸中钛白粉工艺方案设计15
            2.5  实验原料及仪器设备15
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