    摘要:本论文以企业提供的对硝基苯胺(A)、乙酰乙酰苯胺(B)等为原料,制备得到对称性高的对苯双偶氮乙酰乙酰苯胺。对硝基苯胺具有氨基,将其制备成相应的重氮盐,乙酰乙酰苯胺有活泼氢能与重氮盐进行偶合反应,生成对硝基苯偶氮乙酰乙酰苯胺(C),进而将化合物C上的硝基通过硫化物还原,得到单偶氮化合物对氨基苯偶氮乙酰乙酰苯胺(D),再将化合物D制备成相应的重氮盐与另一分子乙酰乙酰苯胺进一步反应,制备得到最终产品对苯双偶氮乙酰乙酰苯胺(E)。利用红外光谱对中间产物及最终产物进行了表征。结果表明,中间产物D的制备条件为:(1)重氮化反应最佳条件是投料比n(A): n(NaNO2)=1:1.5,反应温度为0~5℃,反应时间为40min,(2)还原反应最佳条件是投料比n(C): n(Na2S)=1:1.5,还原时间为12h,收率为45.10%;最终产物E的制备条件为:(1)重氮化反应最佳条件是pH=2~3,温度0~5℃,时间40min,(2)偶合反应条件是pH=8~9,温度0~5℃,时间90min,收率为52.12%。20092
    The preparation of double azo benzene acetoacetanilide
    Abstract: In this study, use the para-nitroaniline (A), acetoacetanilide (B) supplied from enterprises as raw materials to synthesize high symmetry of double azo benzene acetoacetanilide pigment. Since para-nitroaniline has amino, prepare it to the corresponding diazonium salt. Acetoacetanilide with active hydrogen can do coupling reaction with diazonium salt to synthesize para-nitrobenzene azo acetoacetanilide (C). Reduce the nitro of compound by sodium sulfide to reach a single azo compound para-aminobenzene azo acetoacetanilide (D). Then make the corresponding diazonium salt of compound D with another acetoacetanilide further reaction to get the final product of double azo benzene acetoacetanilide (E). Use the infrared spectrum to characterize the intermediate and final products. The results show that the intermediate product preparation conditions: (1) diazotization of the feed ratio n(A): n(NaNO2)=1:1.5, the reaction temperature 0~5℃, reaction time 40 min, (2) reduction reaction of the feed ratio n(C): n(Na2S)=1:1.5, reduction time 12h, the yield 45.10%; final product preparation conditions: (1) diazotization of pH=2~3, the reaction temperature 0~5℃, reaction time 40 min, (2) coupling reaction of pH= 8~9, the reaction temperature 0~5℃, reaction time 90 min, the yield 52.12%.
    Keywords: para-nitroaniline, acetoacetanilide, diazo reaction, coupling reaction
    目 录
    1  前言.1
    1.1  颜料及有机颜料    1
    1.1.1  颜料的概述及分类    1
    1.1.2  有机颜料的概述及分类    1
    1.2  偶氮颜料的概述    2
    1.3  重氮化反应    2
    1.3.1  重氮化反应及影响因素    3
    1.3.2  重氮化反应的分析控制    4
    1.3.3  重氮化合物    4
    1.4  偶合反应    5
    1.4.1  偶合反应概述    5
    1.4.2  偶合反应的影响因素    5
    1.4.3  偶合反应的分析控制    7
    1.5  偶氮颜料的合成方法    7
    1.6  乙酰基乙酰苯胺偶氮颜料的概述    9
    1.7  本课题的研究内容及意义    9
    1.7.1  研究内容    9
    1.7.2  研究目的及意义    10
    2  实验部分11
    2.1  仪器和试剂    11
    2.1.1  实验仪器    11
    2.1.2  实验试剂    11
    2.2  实验过程    12
    2.2.1  对硝基苯胺重氮盐的制备    12
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