    Study on the effect of binder on the properties of aluminum fiber agent
    Abstract:In this paper,the infrared spectroscopy,nuclear magnetic resonance, chromatography-mass spectrometry have been used to analyze composition of diluent for aluminum brazing. At the same time the import of binder and the synthetic binder groups was analyzed by spectrum.The effects of the different binders and the amount of binder on the coating amount and coating strength have been. investigated. The experimental results showed that: with the increasing the amount of diluent, binder viscosity decreased. The No.2 synthesis binder is similar to import binder ,the coating amount and coating strength closed to the import binder, can be used as aluminum brazing binder. Diluent mainly consisted of alcohol ether and alcohol mixture. when ethylene glycol: ethylene glycol monomethyl =70:30, the quality of coating, coating amount and coating strength closed to imported diluents.
    Key words:Binder;Viscosity;The amount of coating;Strength of coating
    目 录

    1 前言    1
    1.1 有机软钎剂    1
    1.2 反应软钎剂    1
    1.3 硬钎剂    2
    1.4 各种钎剂的比较    2
    1.5 铝钎焊    3
    1.6 铝钎剂    4
    1.7 铝钎料    5
    1.8 课题的研究目的和意义    6
    1.9 课题的研究内容和目标    7
    1.9.1 研究内容    7
    1.9.2 研究目标    8
    2 实验    9
    2.1 实验原材料    9
    2.2 实验设备    9
    2.3 实验方案    10
    2.3.1 进口稀释剂的剖析    10
    2.3.2 进口粘结剂和合成粘结剂的红外光谱分析    10
    2.3.3 稀释剂的配比对粘结剂粘度的影响    10
    2.3.4 粘结剂的种类对涂布量的影响    10
    2.3.5 稀释后的粘结剂的加入量对涂布量的影响    11
    2.3.6 粘结剂的加入量对涂层强度的影响    12
    2.3.7 自配稀释剂对涂布量和涂层强度的影响    12
    2.4 实验过程    13
    2.4.1 配制铝钎剂    13
    2.4.2 粘度测定    13
    2.4.3 铝钎剂涂布量的测定    13
    2.4.4 铝钎剂涂层强度的检测    13
    3 实验结果和讨论分析    14
    3.1 进口粘结剂和合成的粘结剂红外光谱分析    14
    3.1.1 进口稀释剂的剖析    15
    3.2 进口粘结剂与合成粘结剂稀释后粘度比较    17
    3.3稀释剂的加入量对合成粘结剂粘度的影响    18
    3.4 粘结剂的种类对涂布量的影响    18
    3.5 粘结剂的加入量对涂布量的影响    19
    3.6 粘结剂的加入量对涂层强度的影响    20
    3.7 自配稀释剂对涂层性能的影响    20
    4 结论    22
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