    毕业论文关键词:纳米TiO2    微乳液法   摩擦化学特性    化学修饰
    Study on Synthesis and Tribological Properties of Chemically modified nanometer TiO2 additive
    Abstract: Using TiCl4 as raw materials, nano-titanium dioxide prepared by micro emulsion method, characterized by infrared spectrometer analysis, and four-ball friction and wear experiment machine, after the determination of the nanometer titanium dioxide added to the base oil of friction and wear property and adding amount on the performance of nano-titanium dioxide were studied, the influence of the results showed that nano-titanium dioxide 1.5% (wt %) value is the best; Determination of base oil, adding 1.5% (wt %) of nanometer titanium dioxide base oil, add T202 oil the basis of the three largest no card bit load PB, the results show that after adding T202 PB largest base oil; After the final determination of nanometer titanium dioxide with T202 distribution of friction and chemical properties of both addition amount on friction and wear properties of base oil, the influence of the results showed that when adding 1.5% (wt %) nano-titanium dioxide and adding 1% (wt %) of T202 compound, lubricating oil's anti-wear effect is best.
    key words: nanometer TiO2 ; micro emulsion method; chemical characteristics of friction; chemical modification
    1文献综述    1
    1.1润滑剂    2
    1.1.1润滑机理    2
    1.1.2润滑剂的作用    2
    1.2 纳米润滑油添加剂    3
    1.2.1纳米材料添加剂概述    3
    1.2.2纳米抗磨添加剂的主要类型    3
    1.3润滑材料的作用机理    5
    1.3.1润滑油与添加剂的作用机理    5
    1.3.2纳米材料的结构特性和润滑作用机理    5
    1.4纳米润滑材料的制备方法    6
    1.4.1液相法制备纳米润滑微粒    6
    1.4.2气相法制备纳米润滑颗粒    8
    1.5.纳米润滑材料的应用    9
    1.5.1汽车发动机润滑油    9
    1.5.2汽车发动机磨合油    9
    1.5.3车辆驱动桥齿轮油    9
    1.5.4金属加工用油    10
    1.5.5大幅度降低润滑油成本    10
    1.5.6添加剂研究新领域的开辟    10
    1.5.7在添加剂合成中的应用    10
    1.5.8润滑密封材料    11
    1.6.本课题创新点    11

    2.纳米TIO2材料概述及组成    13
    2.1纳米TIO2材料概述    13
    2.1.1纳米TIO2材料的性质    13
    2.1.2纳米TIO2材料的应用    13
    2.1.3纳米TIO2的制备    15
    2.2微乳法制备纳米材料    17
    2.2.1微乳法制备纳米材料的特点    17
    2.2.2微乳法制备纳米材料的原理和方法    18
    2.2.3微乳液体系的组成    18
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