    计划日处理污水量为50万吨左右,进水CODcr:250mg/L;BOD5:120mg/L;SS:150mg/L;TN:38mg/L;NH3-N :25mg/L;TP:4mg/L。
    本篇设计的工艺流程大概如下文所描述,利用格栅来拦截比较大的漂浮物体;用旋流沉砂池从污水中分离那些相比之下密度比较大的无机颗粒,避免影响后续处理污水的运行,旋流沉砂池同样也是是利用水力涡流,让泥沙和有机物两者分开,加速砂粒的沉淀性;用 A/O和活性污泥曝气池合建的生物池来脱氮除磷,并降解废水中的有机污染物体;采用平流式沉淀池将曝气后的混和液进行泥水的分离,来保证最后处理过的水质;用污泥浓缩池来降低剩余的污泥含水比率,得以减少污泥本身的体积和降低污泥的外运输费用。
    废水经处理后,CODcr≤100mg/L;BOD5≤30mg/L;SS≤30mg/L; NH3-N≤5mg/L;TP≤3mg/L。满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》所规定的二级排放标准,预计年削减COD5量为:27375吨,年削减BOD5量为:16425吨。使被污染后的水质得到很大的改善,从而达到消除污染、实现环境保护、造福人类的目的。
    毕业论文关键词: 废水处理;A/O法;传统活性污泥法;
     Design Plan of Sewage Treatment Plant Capable of Handing 500 Thousand Tons
    The sewage treatment plant designed are built in the northeast of downtown Shanghai, it is mainly responsible for intercepting sewage from hongkou port and yangpu port area. The detailed design parameters of the sewage treatment plant are as follows:
    Daily processing sewage is 500 thousand tons; CODcr:250mg/L;BOD5:120mg/L;SS:150mg/L;TN:38mg/L;NH3-N :25mg/L;TP:4mg/L。
    Through the study and compare of the biological treatment technology, the treatment technology which combines A/O method and activated sludge method is adopted, which can achieve the purpose of nitrogen and organic matter degradation with low cost. The specific method of combination is using traditional activated sludge process to deal with seventy percent sewage, while thirty percent of wastewater by A/O process for processing.
    The design process is roughly as follows: The grating is to shut off the larger suspension or debris; The vortex grit chamber is to isolate inorganic particles whose density is relatively large from sewage, so as not to affect the normal operation of the subsequent processing structures, vortex grit chamber makes the sediment and organic matter apart and accelerate sand deposits by using  hydraulic eddy current; The biological pool which combine A/O and active sludge aeration tank is denitrification and phosphorus removal and degradation of organic pollutants in wastewater; The horizontal sedimentation is responsible for the separation of mixture of mud which is aerated, to ensure the final effluent water quality; The moisture content of sludge concentration pool is to reduce excess sludge, reduce sludge volume and reduce the cost of sludge transport.
  1. 上一篇:每天5000立米生物制药废水的处理工艺设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:日处理5万吨城镇生活污水的工艺设计+CAD图纸
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