    经过对各生物方法处理工艺的研究比较,确定采用厌氧一好氧联合处理工艺工艺,用以处理废水的目的,并且到达规定处理后达到《制药工业污染物排放标准 混装制剂类》(GB18918-2002)一级标准的B标准。
    本设计以节约动力消耗,降低废水处理费用,方便操作管理为主。本工程投资费用277.7万元,污水处理费用0.53元/ 。
    废水经处理后,经该工艺处理后的出水水质为CODcr:100 mg/L,BOD5 :20 mg/L,SS:70 mg/L,pH :6-9,达到国家《制药工业污染物排放标准 混装制剂类》(GB21908-2008)生物制药废水排放的二级标准,以此使受污染的水质得到极大的改进,达到降低污染、保护环境的目的。
    毕业论文关键词: UASB+A/O工艺;生物制药污水;好氧厌氧联合处理
    A design of pharmaceutical wastewater treatment
    General Information of Design:The amount of pharmaceutical wastewater is 5000 m3 / d.The sewage is manly from pharmaceutical plant,,including: high organic concentration of pharmaceutical wastewater, complex composition, containing petroleum, amines , acids, demulsifiers and other pollutants. The indicator of waste water quality standard is: CODcr: 11000mg / L, BOD5: 4000mg / L, pH :6.5-8, SS: 2000mg / L.
    By comparing the research of several biology treating processes, the design uses the Anaerobic - aerobic treatment process to remove the nitrogen and TP,and the water which are treated should meet the standards of urban sewage treatment plant emission standards(GB18918-2002), emission standards at the B level.
    The design is technically feasible and economically reasonable results. Since the A / O process has the following characteristics: (A) the process is simple, do not need external carbon source and the aeration tank, with raw sewage as carbon source. (B) the former denitrification, nitrification in the post, located inside the loop to raw sewage in organic substrates as a carbon source, the effect is good, denitrification sufficient.
    In this design, the use of UASB and A / O combined process can achieve the purpose of removing organic matter . The bio-pharmaceutical wastewater treatment design process: wastewater through the grille to remove the scum, the water collected in the sump, effluent by adjusting the tank through the pump ascend into vertical flow sedimentation tank, in the UASB reactor for anaerobic treatment, and then by A/ O reaction cell, the A / O reactor pool aerobic treatment.
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