

    毕业论文关键词: 生活污水处理;污水厂污水处理构筑物;A/O工艺

    Wastewater treatment structure design

    Abstract:Water is the source of life, and our country is vast and rich in resources. Is water really enough? Our country is only a quarter of the world's water per capita.The water resources of coastal regions and inland areas are also quite uneven. In addition to the very high temperature of pollution in recent years, the available and safe water for our people is very small. Above is the environment, this design is to target small town life sewage water quality, put forward complete sewage treatment process flow. In terms of small cities and towns, from the founding to the reform and opening up to the present urbanization, more and more rural population to urban concentration, so the population movement promoted the development of the urban economic development, also contributed to the town of water quality pollution. This study is to small towns, that is about to design a set of suitable for small towns sewage treatment process design, make the town people use clean, safe water, ensure that water and sewage treatment to conform to the national standard requirements.This design is the main task of the related data by query processing, familiar with the general specification of sewage treatment design, know the common sewage treatment technology, in view of the small towns sewage water quality, puts forward a complete set of sewage treatment process, and process system and key structure design, write design specification, draw the sewage treatment plant site plan, flow chart and key structure diagram.The design of wastewater treatment structure design is 45000 cubic meters. Study the advantages and disadvantages of various technology and comparison between various process, selection of A/O technology, characterized by simple process, low construction and operating cost, good effect of precipitation, etc. It is suitable for small town construction.

    Keywords:  sewage treatment; Sewage treatment structures; A/O process

    目  录

    引言 7

    1  设计概述 7

    1.1 设计依据及设计任务 7

    1.2 污水处理厂的概述 7

    1.3 设计人口的确定

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