




    经处理后,BOD5≦20mg/ L,CODcr≦60mg/ L,SS≦20mg/ L,NH3-N≦8mg/ L,pH=6~9,满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级排放标准的B标准。经过氧化沟工艺处理之后预计每年CODcr可减排3942吨,从而使得受污染的水质得到极大的改善,消除污染,保护环境。

    毕业论文关键词: 污水处理;T型氧化沟;CODcr;脱氮

    Process Design of Triple Oxidation Ditch for Domestic Sewage

    Design General Information:The design of the sewage treatment plant is designed to deal with the daily handling capacity of 30 thousand tons, CODcr:420mg/L, BOD5:200mg/L, pH:6.5~8, SS:300mg/L, NH3-N: 20mg/L of domestic sewage.Through the comparison of the biological treatment of sewage treatment process, the selection of triple oxidation ditch treatment process design work. After treatment to reach The Sewage Treatment Plant Pollutant Discharge Standard (GB18918-2002) the B standard of first level.

    In this design, the coarse grid can intercept large suspended solids and impurities, purify water, protect pump. The water pumping station for upgrading the sewage of wastewater treatment plant, to ensure that the sewage can be smooth flow in structures of subsequent processing. The water-collecting well can regulate the  inhomogeneity of inflow,avoid traffic impact damage to the pump. The distribution well can be reasonable assign the sewage to the oxidation ditch. The rotational flow grit chamber is a sand settling device using mechanical to control flow pattern and velocity, accelerating the precipitation of sand and let organic matter flow away. Triple oxidization ditch can simultaneously remove nitrogen and phosphorus ,and further removal of suspended solids, degradation of organic compounds, are in the same reactor. The sludge thickening tank's main function is to reduce moisture content of  excess sludge, reduce the sludge volume, convenient follow-up treatment.According to the gravity flow to upgrade.

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