
    摘要:本论文用探索不同离子液体对双β—氨基酯的合成影响,选出最优的实验条件,并合成一系列双—β氨基酯,并测定其结构。同时,以乙酸乙酰甲酯、乙二胺建立模型反应,研究反应温度对反应的影响、离子液体的浓度对反应结果的影响、物料投料比对反应的影响、溶剂的种类对反应结果的影响、反应温度对反应结果的影响,得到较佳的实验条件为:在乙醇作为溶剂下,乙酸乙酰甲酯和乙二胺以投料比2.5比1进行反应,反应温度为常反应,反应时间为4 h,其产率可以高达87.70%。在此较优的条件下又合成了其他2种不同的双β氨基酯。用离子液体催化乙酸乙酰甲酯和乙二胺的反应,其具有操作简便、反应时间短、对环境污染程度小,是一种环保绿色的合成方法。61774


    The synthesis of heterocyclic compounds in ionic liquids

    Abstract: This paper used to explore the synthesis effect of different ionic liquids on double beta amino ester. The optimal experimental conditions were selected, and the synthesis of a series of double - beta amino ester, and its structure was determined. At the same time, using acetic acid acetyl methyl ethylenediamine, model reaction, effect of reaction temperature on the reaction, the influence of the concentration of ionic liquid on the reaction results, the material ratio of input material were studied. The influence of solvents on the reaction results, the effect of reaction temperature on the reaction results, obtained the optimalexperiment condition: in ethanol as solvent, acetic acid and acetyl methyl ethylenediamine to feed more than 2.5 more than 1 of the reaction, the reaction temperature is often reaction. The reaction time is 4 h, the yield can be up to 87.70%. in the optimal condition and other 2 kinds of double beta amino ester was synthesized. Using ionic liquid catalyst acetic acid acetyl methyl ester and ethylenediamine reaction, which has simple operation Then, the reaction time is short,  

    to the environment pollution degree is small, is one kind of environmental protection green synthesis method.

    KeyWords:  Doubleβ—amino ester;ionic liquid;acetic acid methyl ester;bisamine

    1.绪论 3

    1.1 双β氨基酯类化合物的概念 3

    1.2 双β氨基酯类化合物的研究背景和意义 3

    1.2.1双β氨基酯化合物的合成 3

    1.2.2 超声或微波催化合成双β氨基酯 3

    1.2.3 lewis催化 4

    1.2.4  无机酸负载催化 4

    1.2.5 硅磷酸催化 5

    1.3  离子液体的概述 6

    1.3.1离子液体的定义 6

    1.3.2 离子液体的发展历史 7

    1.4 课题研究意义及内容 9

    2 实验部分 11

    2.1主要实验仪器 11

    2.2 试剂及原料 11

    2.2.1主要试剂名称及物性常数 11

    2.2.2原料名称及物性常数 12

    2.3催化剂的制备步骤 13

    2.3.1乙醇胺乙酸离子液体 (HAEE) 的合成 13

    2.3.2 1-丁磺酸基-3-甲基咪唑对甲苯磺酸根离子液体([(CH2)4SO3HMIm]TSO)的制备

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