
    The design completed the main dimensions of the design calculations by determining process, hydraulic loss of structures (including grille, vertical flow sedimentation tank, UASB reactor, A / O reaction tank, secondary settling tank, sludge thickener, etc.) and piping calculations, completed the design process description, process flow diagrams (including high-level layout), plant layout plan and the main structures of the monomers map.
    The purpose of the design is to save power consumption and reduce the cost of wastewater treatment, easy operation and management. The project cost 2.78 million yuan, invest-ment, . Equivalent to the sewage treatment costs 0.53 yuan / m3.
    So the whole process with less of the total investment, stable operation and less secondary pollution, good effect, low energy consumption, etc., and to ensure that wastewater discharge standards.
    The treated wastewater is expected to achieve <urban sewage treatment plant emission standards>(GB18918-2002), emission standards at the national level: CODcr:100 mg/L,BOD5 :20 mg/L,SS:70 mg/L,pH :6-9.The polluted water has been greatly improved, to eliminate pollution,and protect the environment
    Keywords: Wastewater Treatment; T type oxidation ditch; Activated Sludge method;
    目 录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 制药废水的来源及特点    2
    1.1.1 制药废水来源    2
    1.1.2 制药废水的组分及性质    2
    1.1.3 制药废水水质特征    3
    2 制药废水的处理技术概况    3
        2.1制药废水生物处理技术    3
    2.1.1 好氧生物法    4
    2.1.2厌氧生物处理法    4
    2.1.3 膜生物反应器    4
    2.1.4 微生物强化技术    5
        2.2制药废水物化法处理技术    5
    2.2.1混凝法    5
    2.2.2气浮、吹脱法    6
    2.2.3吸附法    6
    2.2.4臭氧氧化法    6
    2.2.5 Fenton试剂氧化法    7
    2.2.6电解法    7
        2.3物化生化联合    7
        2.4新型处理方法    8
    2.4.1紫外辐射-过氧化氢氧化法    8
    2.4.2酸性凝聚一过氧化氢氧化法    8
    3 设计计算    8
    3.1 设计资料    8
    3.2 污水处理工艺流程    9
       3.3 设计计算    9
    3.3.1格栅计算    9
            3.3.2集水井计算    10
    3.3.3调节池计算    11
    3.3.4沉淀池计算    12
    3.3.5 UASB反应池计算    15
    3.3.6 A/O反应池计算    20
    3.3.7二沉池池计算    29
    3.3.8污泥浓缩池计算    32
    3.3.9清水池计算    34
       3.3 污水处理厂总体布置    35
    3.3.1 总图布置原则    35
    3.3.2 总图布置    35
    3.3.3 高程布置    35
    3.4 劳动定员    38
    3.5 工程预算    39
    3.5.1 直接费用    39
    3.5.2 间接费用    39
    3.5.3 成本分析    39
    3.6 环境与安全    40
    3.6.1 环境保护    40
    3.6.2 厂区绿化    41
    3.6.3 建筑防火    41
    4 结论和建议    42
    致谢    43
    参考文献    43
    附录    44
    1 绪论
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