    关键词  聚苯乙烯微孔材料  超临界CO2  泡孔孔径  泡孔密度
    Title  Preparation and mechanical properties of   polystyrene microporous materials                                        
    As the microporous materials have light weight, high impact strength and toughness, good sound insulation properties, etc., it is widely applied in motor, construction and package. Therefore, an investigation of microporous materials has a promotion effect on the development of the plastic manufacturing industry. Polystyrene (PS) is an ideal object of laboratory foaming research, and the supercritical dioxide has low critical temperature and critical pressure (Tc = 31.5 ℃, Pc = 7.3MPa), making it being an ideal foaming agent. In this paper, single factor variables, orthogonal experimental design and comparison were used for discussions. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) were utilized to obtain the optimum of PS foam and to investigate the effect of foam temperature, foam pressure and holding time on cell diameters and cell densities of foamed materials. It has shown that the effect of foam pressure is important and that the use of nano CaCO3 modified PS significantly improves foaming properties, whose average pore size reaches 1 ~ 10μm and the cells densities is 109 / cm3.
    Keywords  polystyrene microporous materials  supercritical dioxide  cell average diameters   cell densities
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题研究的背景    1
    1.2  超临界CO2的特性及其作用    2
    1.3  聚苯乙烯微孔材料    3
    1.3.1  使用纳米填充改性聚苯乙烯微孔材料    3
    1.3.2  超临界CO2用于聚苯乙烯微孔材料的制备    4
    2  聚苯乙烯微孔材料制备的工艺研究    5
    2.1 实验    5
    2.1.1  主要原料    5
    2.1.2  主要仪器和设备    5
    2.1.3  PS复合材料的制备    6
    2.1.4  聚合物发泡材料的制备    7
    2.2  实验设计    8
    2.2.1  单因素实验    8
    2.2.2  正交实验    9
    2.2.3  对比实验    9
    2.3  聚合物发泡材料的测试与表征    10
    2.3.1  发泡倍率的测定    10
    2.3.2  SEM表征    10
    2.3.3  DMA测试    11
    3  结果与讨论    12
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