    关键词  呋喃树脂   固化剂   总酸度  添加剂   固化性能
    Title The Research of the Curing of Furan Resins for foundry
    Furan resin is compounded by alcohol and furfural , which has rings of furan.It can stand with acid, alkali, solvent due to the ring of furan. With the continuous development of society, people have ever-increasing demands on furan and its curing system.
    Bake furan resin sand of this paper is mainly used in the foundry industry. Furan resin sand and resin materials used in the experiments are from the actual production of the plant material, so to be more realistic production conditions. Test mode using the control variable, furan was added at a resin content of 1% (total weight of sand) in the case, researching the different acidity curing agent, a curing agent is added in varying amounts and adding the effects of different additives on the furan resin curing system. The main parameters of the test has cured curing speed and the ultimate strength of the cured.Experimental results show that: When resin is added in an amount of 1%, Optional curing agent is p-toluenesulfonic acid in methanol as solvent, the total amount of concentrated sulfuric acid was added to adjust the acidity of 35.2% (H2SO4), curing agent content of 50% (total resin weight), the amount of resin added to anhydrous aluminum chloride as an additive, curing reaction can have a better effection. The curing speed is suitable, and ultimately curing intensity is relatively high.
    Keywords   furan resin  hardener  acidity  addition agent  curing properties
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究目的和意义    1
    1.2  呋喃树脂的概况    1
    1.2.1  呋喃树脂的定义    1
    1.2.2  呋喃树脂的分类    2
    1.2.3  呋喃树脂的性能和应用特点    3
    1.2.4  呋喃树脂的主要应用领域    4
    1.3 呋喃树脂固化体系的研究进展    5
    1.3.1 固化反应原理的研究    5
    1.3.2 不同条件对固化反应的影响    7
    1.4  本研究的意义和内容    9
    2、实验内容    10
    2.1   实验原料与主要设备    10
    2.2 实验操作步骤    11
    2.2.1  固化剂体系的配制    11
    2.2.2  固化反应    12
    2.2.3  固化性能测试    12
    2.2.4  固化体系酸度的测定    12
    2.3 结果与讨论    14
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