    Design on circulating fluidized bed-flue gas desulfurization for a 300MW unit
    Abstract:Flue gas circulating fluidized bed desulfurization is a new flue gas treatment technology with development prospect in recent years. It is a new dry flue gas desulfurization process suitable for boiler and other combustion equipment. The process is based on the principle of circulating fluidized bed, through the absorbent circulating several times, the contact time between absorbent and flue gas increases, thus greatly improving the efficiency of the use of absorbent. This process not only has many advantages of dry process, such as simple process, less land, and low investment, but also it can achieve higher desulfurization efficiency in the lower calcium-sulfur ratio.
    The main contents of this design are the process design of 300MW unit circulating sulfurized bed flue gas desulfurization. By analyzing the raw materials such as boiler, coal and flue gas, the main process equipment containing cyclone dust collector, circulating fluidized bed desulfurization tower, gas-solid separator, electrostatic precipitator and other devices are calculated and designed, and the fan, pumps and other major equipment are selected in this design. Through the design and calculation, the pollution of flue gas and soot can be emitted to reach standards, and the design tries to ensure the safety of operation and lower costs in order to achieve better social and environmental benefits.
    Key words: Circulating fluidized bed-flue gas desulfurization;Desulfurization efficiency;Design and calculation;Cyclone;Electrostatic precipitator
    目  录
    Key words1
    1.1 二氧化硫污染现状 1
    1.2 二氧化硫减排的主要工程技术2
    1.3 常用的烟气脱硫技术2
    1.3.1 湿法烟气脱硫技术3
    1.3.2 半干法烟气脱硫技术3
    1.3.3 干法烟气脱硫技术3
    1.4 烟气脱硫工艺方案的选择4
    1.5 循环硫化床烟气脱硫工艺的应用前景4
    2 设计方案 4
    2.1 设计目的 4
    2.2 设计参数5
    2.3 设计方案6
    2.3.1 主要设备的工作原理6
    2.3.2 工艺总流程7
    3 设计计算 7
    3.1 设计相关参数7
    3.2 旋风除尘器8
    3.2.1 旋风除尘器的设计说明8
    3.2.2 旋风除尘器的基本尺寸计算8
    3.2.3 旋风除尘器的除尘效率计算9
    3.2.4 压力损失9
    3.3 循环硫化床脱硫塔10
    3.3.1 循环硫化床脱硫塔的设计说明10
    3.3.2 空塔气速的计算10
    3.3.3 循环硫化床脱硫塔直径的计算11
    3.3.4 循环硫化床高度的计算11
    3.3.5 文丘里管的设计计算11
    3.3.6 Ca(OH)2循环率的计算11
    3.3.7 物料平衡计算11
    3.3.8 石灰仓的设计计算12
    3.3.9 螺旋进料器的选型12
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