关键词 天然橡胶 离子液体 氧化石墨烯 白炭黑
Title Study on properties of natural rubber filled with graphene oxide and silica modified by ionic liquid
Abstract Based on nature rubber(NR) as the research object, graphene oxide and silica were modified by ionic liquid (1-allyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride, AMI), respectively, to fill and reinforce nature rubber. The effects of graphene oxide modified by AMI on the vulcanization, physical and mechanical, aging, dynamic mechanical and thermal conductivity properties of natural rubber were studied. The results showed that AMI could greatly improve the dispersibility of graphene oxide and promote the vulcanization of natural rubber. When the content of modified GO was 1 phr, the tensile strength and tear strength of vulcanizate were 27.26MPa and 74.30KN/m, which were incresed by 17.15% and 15.25% compared to the blank, respectively. When the content of modified GO was 0.5 phr, thermal conductivity properties of vulcanizate reached the optimal. When the content of modified GO was 2 phr in air, the content of bind rubber was maximized. With the increasing content of modified GO, the glass transition temperature of vulcanizate decreased gradually, and the storage modulus improved.
Keywords Nature rubber Ionic liquid Graphene oxide Silica
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 氧化石墨烯 1
1.2 离子液体 2
1.3 氧化石墨烯在聚合物中的应用 3
1.4 本文的主要内容及研究思路 4
2 改性GO和白炭黑并用补强天然橡胶的研究 5
2.1 实验部分 5
2.1.1 实验药品及仪器 5
2.1.2 氧化石墨烯的制备及改性和白炭黑的改性及表征 6
2.1.3 混炼胶的制备 7
2.1.4 试样性能测试 7
2.1.5 交联密度的测定 8
2.1.6 结合橡胶的测定 9
2.2 实验结果与讨论 9
2.2.1 改性白炭黑的表征 9
2.2.2 改性GO在胶体中的分散 11
2.2.3 混炼胶的硫化性能 12
2.2.4 物理机械性能及老化性能 14
2.2.5 交联密度 21
2.2.6 结合橡胶 21
结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
1 引言
1.1 氧化石墨烯
氧化石墨烯(graphene oxide,GO)是粉末状石墨经化学氧化然后超声剥离得到的产物。氧化石墨烯结构上是一种二文材料,以单原子层分布,在横向尺寸上可以扩展到数十微米,具有较高的长宽比和比表面积,同时也含有较多的表面官能团。氧化石墨烯因为其表面含有多种含氧官能团[1,2],能够很好地分散在四氢呋喃等强极性溶剂中,所以,长久以来被视为亲水性物质,而在极性较低的有机介质中的分散性却较差;其化学活性高,表面官能团可作为化学修饰的活性点,为氧化石墨烯的进一步应用打下了基础。
- 上一篇:两亲分子AXX吸附包覆的工艺初探
- 下一篇:硝基二苯乙烯类化合物的合成及其光学性能研究