    Study on the preparation of graphene nanomaterials by electrospinning
    Abstract: Graphene materials were prepared by two methods of coating technology and electrospinning technology in this paper. Graphene is a planar thin film which was composed of a hexagonal lattice with SP2 hybridized orbitals with only one carbon atom thickness, However, electrospinning technology makes graphene heated in the process of solvent evaporation, the lamellar structure of nano materials curled up bending shrinkage, two-dimensional graphene structure change, made one new material, thus to change its electrochemical characteristics. In this study, the unique physical and chemical properties of graphene and the technical advantages of electrospinning technology in the preparation of nanomaterials were proposed to change the surface structure and electrochemical activity of the graphene materials. The prepared samples were characterized by elemental analysis, Fu Liye transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, specific surface area and pore size etc. The electrochemical activity of the nanomaterials was investigated by electrochemical method. The results show that compared with the coating technology, electrospinning technology has more great changes on the oxidized graphene and reduction of graphene, not only increasing the specific capacitance of samples, but also the charge discharge stability of samples is significantly improved. In addition to these, the conductive properties of coated polypyrrole graphene materials was improved.
    Key words:Graphene; Electrospinning technology; Electrochemical characteristics
    摘要    3
    关键词    3
    Abstract    3
    Key words    4
    引言    4
    1材料与方法    5
    1.1仪器与试剂    5
    1.2氧化型石墨烯(GO)的合成    6
    1.3还原型石墨烯(GR)的合成    6
    1.4氧化型石墨烯/吡咯(GO/PPY)的合成    6
    1.5电化学测量    7
    1.5.1纺丝样品的测量    7
    1.5.2涂渍样品的测量    7
    2 结果与分析    7
    2.1 比表面积分析    7
    2.2试样元素分析    7
    2.3 红外光谱分析    8
    2.4 热重分析    8
    2.5 电化学测定    8
    2.5.1计时电位分析法(CP)    8
    2.5.2循环伏安法(CV)    10
    2.5.3交流阻抗法(EIS)    12
    2.5.4稳定性试验    13
    3全文小结    13
    3.1涂渍(原始)样之间的差异    13
    3.2静电纺丝对材料的影响    13
    致谢    13
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