
    摘  要:除草剂是能够让杂草完全地或部分产生死亡的药品。除草剂的应用,不但确保了农业高而稳的产量、提升劳动效率、改进了生产条件,并且还激励了种植技术的改造。除草剂有很多分类方法,按照结构,能够分为无机和有机两大类。此中有机除草剂品种多、选择性好、毒性低、用量少、使用范围宽、发展迅速,占据除草剂的大部,是如今应用最广的除草剂。有机除草剂可以广泛地用来治理田地、草原、河流、非耕地、铁道、水库等地的有害物。本文主要讨论了近年来有机除草剂的合成及应用等方面的研究进展。68682


    Abstract:Herbicides are the agents that may make the weed completely or selectively dead. Herbicides are not only used to ensure the agriculture of high yield, to improve labor productivity and improve the working conditions, but also to promote the cultivation of technological innovation. There are many classification methods of herbicides. According to the chemical structure, herbicides can be pided into inorganic herbicides and organic herbicides. Among them, because of the strong selectivity, low toxicity, less dosage, wide range of use and rapid development, many kinds of organic compounds are currently used as the vast majority of herbicides. Organic herbicides can be widely used to control the harmful substances of farmland, prairie, river, non-cultivated land, railways, and so on. In this paper, the synthesis and application of organic herbicide are mainly discussed.

    Key words:organic herbicides, research, progress

    目   录

    1  前言 4

    2  除草剂的合成 4

    2.1  苯氧羧酸类除草剂的合成 4

    2.2  苯甲酸类除草剂的合成 5

    2.3  二苯醚类除草剂的合成 6

    2.4  联吡啶类除草剂的合成 6

    2.5  酰胺类除草剂的合成 6

    2.6  取代脲类除草剂的合成 7

    2.7  均三氮苯类除草剂的合成 7

    2.8  二硝基苯胺类除草剂的合成 8

    2.9  有机磷类除草剂的合成 8

    2.10  咪唑啉酮类除草剂的合成 9

    2.11  环己烯酮类除草剂的合成 10

    3  除草剂的应用 10

    3.1  苯氧羧酸类除草剂的应用 10

    3.2  苯甲酸类除草剂的应用 10

    3.3  二苯醚类除草剂的应用 11

    3.4  联吡啶类除草剂的应用 11

    3.5  酰胺类除草剂的应用 11

    3.6  取代脲类除草剂的应用 11

    3.7  均三氮苯类除草剂的应用 11

    3.8  二硝基苯胺类除草剂的应用 12

    3.9  有机磷类除草剂的应用 12

    3.10  咪唑啉酮类除草剂的应用 12

    3.11  环己烯酮类除草剂的应用 12

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